"Give it up? Excuse me? Unn was a monster! He murdered a whole tribe, nearly! Salted and destroyed the earth. For all the fuck we know, he killed mom!" He cried, "And you're asking me to just give it up?"

"That's unreasonable. Hiccup said mom died of a sickness no one could cure. That wasn't on him, as much as we'd like to say it was." Ull said, grabbing his brother's arm, and Calder wrenched it away, "I don't see why you feel like you need to do this, though."

"I can't believe that everyone just stopped looking." Calder replied back, his whole body shaking, "It's like no one even cares anymore! If he's out of our hair, good enough. No, not good enough- I want him dead at my feet! I want him to suffer like mom did, like our people did, our land did." Calder said, slamming his fist down onto the table by the door, cracking the wood.

"Cal, you're scaring me." Ull said, eyes wide as he stared at the place where his brother's fist had left an imprint, "And that is mahogany. Elsa will freak."

"Don't you see?" Calder asked frantically, "We have to find him. We're his-" He broke off, his teeth grinding and he gave a low angry growl, and hesitated, "sons. No one else is better suited for this than us. We need to bring him to justice, because no one else is." There was brokenness in his last words, and it nearly sounded like he'd said it so many times, he'd lost track of what it really meant.

Ull heard the flicker of a match being struck. If he could just stall Calder for a little bit, Elsa or Hiccup would come out, and they could all sit down and explain to Calder this was obsessive and needed to stop. People already looked at the two of them like they were going to go on a murder spree at any moment.

"Dad was just-,"

"He's not our father!" Calder looked disgusted, "He's a rat."

"Technically speaking..." Ull began, but quieted at the death glare his brother sent him.

"What is going on out here?" Elsa's hissed whisper came storming through the dark. Hiccup followed, stumbling and hobbling awkwardly as he attempted to re-attach his leg. Elsa's glare could freeze the boys, Ull was sure. Calder sent his brother a dirtier look than before.

"Calder's trying to leave and take the bewilderbeast on his quest to kill Unn." Ull quipped.

"What?" Hiccup said a little louder than a whisper, stumbling over in shock. Elsa glared at him sharply.

"Shhh! I just got Bjorn down." She muttered.

Hiccup glowered at Calder, and put his leg on with an audible click, "Outside." He demanded in a low voice, "You two, Ull." He said, catching the boy as he tried to slip away.

Once outside, Calder set his bag on the ground with an irritated mutter.

"I'm twenty-two, you know. I can just leave." He pointed out.

"Not with that dragon you can't!" Hiccup said, "I technically hold the power of all dragons since Toothless is the alpha, and I have the most knowledge on them. You're free to go, yes, but not with her."

Calder opened his mouth to object, but Hiccup wasn't done yet, "I mean, are you crazy? She doesn't even have wings! How were you going to leave, huh? Swim? We don't even know if she can. Flying isn't totally instinctive for baby dragons, so I'd suspect swimming a whole lot less. And great Odin, Calder. You're going to get yourself killed! You have become obsessed with this!"

"I wouldn't have to if you all searched for him and did what you were supposed to!" He snapped out, poking Hiccup in the chest.

Elsa grabbed his arm, coming in between her husband and Calder.

Omphalos (Hiccelsa)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant