where we can coexist

Start from the beginning

"It's good to wish good luck to people in a totally not sarcastic way," I said, as I added shrugs and eye rolls where I saw fit.

"So Aaron, what do you do? Vanessa rambled on about you being in university."

"Oh, umm...I'm studying architecture."

"Really? I love men who can build."

Suddenly, I felt the need to exclude myself from this interaction. Vanessa and Chaitra seemed to wander off and Daya was just rocking to the music while mumbling the lyrics here and there.

"Zoe, is it?" She nodded. "Umm...I was about to do something with Tayla, so I'll see you again. Enjoy your evening."

"Okay, thanks, I guess." She said while Aaron put his arm on my shoulder and led me away.

"Is this how you friend-zoned girls at your school?"

"Sort of."

"Even the pretty ones?"

"Even the pretty ones."

His arm dropped from my shoulders as I gulped. We were near the exit of the beach and in proximity to his car. Soon, we were rolling out of the driveway of Cleavemount's private beach. Then I wondered, What was I doing getting swept up in Aaron's romantic gestures?

"There is a very scenic place a few blocks from here. I think you'll like it."

"Wow, at least you know one thing about me. Sorry I doubted you."

"I know a fairly good amount."

"Wow, like what?"

"You like candles."

"That's common knowledge."

"Okay...I know you hate all flavours of jam."

My mouth opened dramatically, "How do you know that one?"

"You came over and I asked if you wanted a peanut butter jelly sandwich, and you said no. No one refuses a PB&J sandwich."

"Stop lying. I must have said it while rambling on."

"Why is it so shocking that I remember things about you? Just like how you observe the sky, I observe you."

I remained quiet and asked myself the question again. What was I doing getting swept up in his romantic gestures?

"Aaron, you and your words."

"It's true though. As you can see, I remembered that you loved natural landscapes."

"I'm an artist, of course, I would love them."

"Right." He said as if in defeat. "We're here."

He stopped at the corner of the road, and we came out. A picturesque view awaited me. The stars twinkled in the sky and a streetlight towered a few steps from us. I smiled and let out a breath. I knew I had come here before. In all this loveliness laid familiarity. My heart skipped a beat and I pressed my teeth into my lower lip. I really was folding. I got caught up in Aaron Cho's romantic gestures, again.

"Wow, I forgot about this place. You used to come here a lot, Aaron."

"Still do, sometimes."

"How many girls have you brought here since?"

"None, only that one girl I can't seem to get over. I also kissed her here a week before we broke up and went our separate ways."

"Wow, I wonder why you broke up with her?" I didn't turn to look at him. We both just stood side by side, looking at the sky and light on the hills in the distance.

"I felt like it was better that way. I thought I was wasting her time, and I thought she didn't like me anymore. Maybe I just wanted to see if she would miss me or...I don't know."

"I think she kind of misses you. I also think she still likes you."

He laughed, "Are we going to stop talking about each other in the third person now?"

"No, I don't want to."

He turned to me and took my hands in his. My heart felt like the time we met at the pharmacy a few weeks ago. Why was I like this? I really was supposed to fight it this time.

"I like her too. I always will."

I gulped. He looked me in the eyes and I felt like he could read everything about me from them.

"Why are doing this to me?" I asked, a crack escaping with my words.

"I want to create an environment where we can coexist."

"You are such a flirt, oh my gosh," I said, not being able to resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"This flirt wants to kiss you. Can he?"

"Maybe, who—"

I was shushed by a kiss that sent ripples of electricity through my body like a seismic wave rolling along the surface of the ocean. My eyes fell shut as one of his hands girdled my waist like a belt and the other rested lightly on the side of my face.

There really was no going back now.

I wanted us to coexist.

* * * *
Author's note:

Thank you for reading. Don't forget to press that little star below this chapter!

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