Becoming A Leader

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"No, of course not! I would never do that!" Blue Eyes told him. Caesar pulled Blue Eyes closer to him, placing his forehead against his son's.

"Then keep her safe. I need you both safe. You can help me and every ape here by finding us a safer home. The two of you will not be going alone. I want you take rocket with you. Will you do this for me?" He pulled back, looking at him. Blue Eyes sighed. He really did not want to leave them like this.

"I will, father." Blue Eyes replied. Caesar smiled. He hopped down from the tree to go help Maurice along with some of the apes with him, gathering what they needed. Cornelia stepped out of the tree, seeing Blue Eyes and went over to him, holding Cornelius.

"Are you ready?" She signed. Blue Eyes huffed and turned around, looking at his mother.

"He's trying to get rid of me. He's afraid that I'll get killed." He signed to her. He saw his mother frown.

"So am I. What would you say if I told you that I begged him to send you away?" She signed back to him.

"I would say you shouldn't have done that." Blue Eyes signed back.

"Well, I didn't. But I am glad that he is. It is important to know what is out there." She told him. Blue Eyes looked back at her.

"Why not just send Rocket then?" He said. "Why must I go?"

"Rocket is strong, loyal and brave. But he isn't all that smart. You are." She replied.

"Really? I let Koba fool me."

"Koba told you what you wanted to hear. Knowing that is a different kind of smart than I'm talking about. You see things differently from Rocket. What might not attract his notice will be a red fruit to you. Where he sees only two sticks and then two more sticks, you will see four. That is why your father is sending you." She explained to him.

"Then why doesn't he tell me this himself?" Blue Eye asked.

"He's busy in case you haven't noticed." Cornelia replied.

"Busy." Blue Eyes signed back.

"You always said he treated you like a baby. How many times did you beg him to hunt before he let you? How many times did you ask if you could travel to the next valley to see what was there? To explore the hills with Ash?" Blue Eye's widen a little in surprise. "Don't you understand? He's giving you what you always asked for. Command yourself."

"But I want to fight." He spoke, insisting. Cornelia shook her head.

"No, you don't. It's not what you're good at. It's not what you're made for. Even as a little thing, you were always trying to see what was in the next tree, never content with where you were. Take this gift from him, Blue Eyes, please." Well, his mother did have a point there. He hated holding a gun. He was terrified and couldn't move frozen in fear as he saw apes dying around him as Koba lead them to fight the humans.

"What choice do I have?" Blue Eyes asked her. Cornelia turned her head and Blue Eyes followed her to see what she was looking at. Lily. Even though she had a broken leg and was struggling to move around. She was struggling with a crate as she handed off to an ape.

"Then do it for her." She told him and signed. "Fight for her, instead. Like your father does for me and I do the same for him." Blue Eyes looked back to his mother and nodded his head. He hopped down from the tree and walked over to Lily. Just as she was handing off another crate, Lily felt her feet being lifted off from the ground as Blue Eyes picked her up. He tossed her over his shoulder, like she weighed nothing, carrying her like a sack of potatoes. Lily squirmed, kicking her legs, trying to get down, slapping Blue Eyes on his back with her hands. Some apes watched in amusement as they stopped what they were doing.

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