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Pierre was casually standing in front of his motorhome, making sure he had everything with him and didn't forget anything, that was until his eyes caught a certain blonde woman with a certain blonde girl in her arms surrounded by two brunettes and another blonde.

"Putain, Léonie. Je te laisse pour une putain de journée et regarde où tu en es, maintenant. [For fuck's sake, Leonie. I leave you for a fucking day and look where you are, now.]" He grumbled, marching towards the people standing out there, their voices getting clearer the closer he got.

"Dion, éloigne toi d'elle putain! [Dion, get the fuck away from her!]" He yelled, stopping beside Leonelle, sending her a glare before he turned around to face his old friend who basically stabbed him in the back.


"Tais-toi, Léonelle. Tu en as assez fait, laisse-moi m'en occuper maintenant. [Shut up, Leonelle. You've done enough, let me handle it now, elle.]" He said, a bit too commanding for her liking.

"Oh, non, tu as tort, mon pote. Nous voulons juste nous assurer que les rumeurs sont vraies, rien de plus, rien de moins. [Oh, no, you've got this wrong, my friend. We just want to make sure that the rumours are true, nothing more, nothing less.]" Dion smiled, sticking his hands up in surrender.

What the people standing around didn't know, was that, the blonde man standing amongst them was, in fact, the one who started the rumours and now that he was going with the Monegasque's girlfriend, it seemed only fitting to do so, just to ensure that he'd be the only one there with Charlotte and there would no more be a Charles in the picture. And making Leonelle have a bad reputation was only a plus to it, his true target was orignally Charles.

"Quelles rumeurs? [What rumours?]" Pierre asked, turning to the pair that hold eyes with different shades of green.

Leonelle sighed, shaking her head. "Je voulais juste emmener ma fille et rentrer à la maison, pour l'amour de dieu. [I just wanted to take my daughter and head home, for God's sake.]"

"Quelles rumeurs, Leonelle-"

"Que je suis le père de Soléa et...moi et elle sortons ensemble. [That I'm Soléa's father and...me and Elle are dating.]" Charles cut him off, not knowing how people would come up with these.

It actually wasn't hard to come up with these for Dion, at all. It seemed like the only rational thought with what they've been doing around this weekend and how they seemed.

"Quoi?! [What?!]" The French native shreiked, making the young French girl jolt up after she almost fell asleep in her mother's arm. She looked around, frowning till she saw Charles standing next to her mother. She extended her arms towards him and he couldn't help but smile softly at the sleepy toddler and grab her from her mother's arms.

"Voir?! Juste une preuve de plus! [See?! Just more proof!]" Charlotte yelled, pointing at the interaction. "L'enfant ne pourrait pas le cacher, mais vous le pouvez! Je n'arrive pas à croire que tu n'aies jamais pensé à me parler d'elle, Charles! Je pensais que nous étions quelque chose! [The child wouldn't be able to hide it, but you two can! I can't believe you never even thought about telling me about her, Charles! I thought we were something!]"

Leonelle couldn't help but roll his eyes at how some people could be very dumb and stupid. "Regarde, Charlotte. Charles n'est pas le père de ma fille et je ne sors avec personne pour le moment. [Look, Charlotte. Charles is not my daughter's father and I am not dating anyone at the moment.]" She heard Charles mumble something, but she only side eyed him before continuing, "Oui, il reste avec nous dans notre maison sur la plage, mais rien ne se passe. Est-ce assez pour vous? De plus, n'avez-vous pas déjà les mains pleines avec votre autre homme? Pourquoi le retiens-tu, de toute façon? [Yes, he is staying with us at our beach house, but nothing is going on. Is that enough for you? Plus, don't you have your hands full already with your other man? Why are you holding onto him, anyways?]" These sounded like very harsh words and she reminded herself to apologize to Charles for saying them once they're out of here.

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