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Leonelle Moreau

My eyes cracked open slowly and I took in the scene around. Everyone was asleep and I was sandwiched between Pierre and Charles while Vivi took an arm chair for herself. A sigh left my lips as I wondered how sore my shoulders will be from both men sleeping on them.

As gentle as I could, I lifted Pierre's head off first and let him readjust himself in his sleep, cause I knew my bestfriend, and he was a heavy sleeper, he and Vivi were. Charles on the other hand, though, I didn't know. So, slowly, I lifted his head slowly and let it relax back against the couch.

I looked outside the window to see that it was sometime near sunrise, my usual time of waking up since I came to Australia. The sunrise was too beautiful to miss from here.

I stood up and took the empty packs of chips and gummies and every snack you could think of. We ate a lot. I threw all that in the bin in the kitchen. Luckily, the boys came in comfortable clothes, aka joggers and shorts, in Pierre's condition, and a hoodie, in Charles condition, otherwise they'd both be very uncomfortable right now. Vivi had went with a cotton PJ that looked presentable while I went with the most stylish thing you could imagine, sweatpants and a hoodie. It's modern day fashion, I tell ya. You'll see it on the runways soon.

I made a quick run to the bathroom, splashing my face and brushing my teeth before I went back to the kitchen, gave Lan his breakfast and fixed myself a cup of coffee. "Bon matin."

I screamed, covering my mouth quickly to not wake anyone else before I turned to the green eyed man, breathing heavily. Another sheepish smile was directed towards me as I watched him grab a water bottle from the fridge and chug half of it down.

"Tu m'as presque fait faire une crise cardiaque. [You almost gave me a heart attack.]" I mumbled with my mouth on my mug, blowing on the hot drink to cool it down so I would be able to drink it.

"Désolé, je voulais pas. [Sorry, I didn't mean to.]" He chuckled, sitting down on one of the chairs around the kitchen island.

Just now, just right fucking now, I noticed how handsome that taken man is. I'm not gonna make a move, I'm planning to keep my thoughts to myself till my death bed, probably. But, holy shit, this man is truly hot. His voice was slightly deeper, hair messy as usual and God lord, send help.

"Coffee?" I asked, watching as he nodded his head at me. I poured some into another mug and handed it to him. "Aimez-vous...regarder le lever du soleil? [Do you...like watching the sunrise?]" I questioned, putting my mug down.

"Qui ne le fait pas? [Who doesn't?]" He frowned at me, taking a sip from his mug.

With an eye roll, I handed him my mug and told him to beat me to the front porch. I walked into the living room to see Pierre had laid down on the couch and Vivienne was still on the arm chair. Grabbing the blankets that had fallen onto the ground, I put them over my friends once again then went outside towards Charles who was leaning on one of the wooden fences, sipping from a mug and holding the other.

"Beautiful, non?" I asked, sitting down on the two steps that led towards our door. The taller man turned towards me before he approached me and sat down next to me, handing me my mug. "Very. Mais, depuis mon appartement à Monaco, ce serait toujours mieux. [But, from my apartment back in Monaco would always be better.]"

"Sure, whatever." I shrugged his comment off, acting indifferent to it. He laughed at me, bumping my shoulder with his teasingly. We both sat in silence, enjoying the view before us and the miracle that happens everyday that no one appreciates as much as they should. Seeing the daylight itself should be appreciated and whoever sees it should be thankful for the rest of their lives, but that's just my opinion and I'm definitely not forcing it on anyone.

"Est-ce que toi et Pierre êtes ensemble? [Are you and Pierre together?]" He asked, completely out of the blue as I turned my head to look at him so quickly, my neck will probably be hurting me very soon.

"Quoi? [What?]" I exclaimed, completely taken aback by his question and Charles seemed to regret it now as well.

"Toi et Pierre, êtes-vous- [You and Pierre, are you-]" "Non, je t'ai entendu. Mais, qu'est-ce que c'est que la question? [No, I heard you. But, what's with the question?]" I cut him off from repeating himself before taking the last sip from my coffee mug.

His eyes widened slightly at me. "Alors, vous êtes ensemble? [So, you're together?]" A thick eyebrow of his raised at me in question while I frowned, shaking my head. "Non, nous ne sommes pas.  Pourquoi penses-tu que... eh bien, en dehors de la façon dont nous agissons? [No, we're not. Why would you think that-well, aside from how we act?]"

"Hier soir, vous...[Last night, you...]" He trailed off and I immediatly got what he was referring to.

"Oh ça." I cringed, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Eh bien, honnêtement, c'est très compliqué. Mais ne vous en faites pas. Ça a toujours été comme ça, et nous ne sommes pas ensemble. Je suis actuellement très célibataire aussi. [Well, honestly, it's very complicated. But, don't mind it. It's always been like that, and we're not together. I'm currently very single as well.]" I chuckled awkwardly, tilting my head back then looking at the reflection of the sun on the waters again.



We were back to the silent phase and the sunset was mainly over so I made the first move to get back first inside and wake the sleeping beauties up then start preparing breakfast before we got hungry.

"Vivienne." I shook her violently as she groaned and went to switch to her other side, but almost fell on the ground instead if I hadn't caught her. "Réveille-toi, sleepy head. [Wake up, sleepy head.]"

"J'suis debout, j'suis debout. [I'm up, I'm up.]" She mumbled as I situated her back on the seat. I moved on to the other pal laying on his back, completely and utterly out of it.

"Pierre." I whispered, lightly shaking him. "Pierre, allez. Il est presque 7 heures du matin. [Pierre, c'mon. It's almost 7 in the morning.]"

"Attends, Léonie. Dieu. [Wait, Leonie. God.]" He groaned, voice hoarser than usual, which I was fortunatly and unfortunatly used to.

"D'accord, j'attends. [Okay, I'm waiting.]" I crossed my arms like a mother would do while scolding her kids, which what I would've actually been doing if...stuff didn't happen, but that's not the matter at the moment, waking Pierre and Vivienne up is.

"Allez, Pierre, avant qu'elle ne nous tue. [C'mon, Pierre, before she kills us.]" Vivienne encouraged him, getting up and stumbling towards the staircase, hopefully she doesn't trip.

Pierre sat up and looked up at me slowly as I looked at him expectantly. He sighed then stood up, forcing me to take a step back so he can move on and head to the bathroom.

"Yes! Keep it up, guys!" Charles cheered from the kitchen, appearing briefly from behind the fridge door before disappearing again inside.

"Tais-toi, Charles! [Shut up, Charles!]" They both yelled at him from different parts of the house while I simply stood in the living room, hands on my hips and listening to their conversation, trying as hard as I could to not laugh.

"Okay!" He cheerfully replied back, happily walking over to the toaster with a pack of toast that he found and peach jam. That was my last straw and I broke out into a fit of laughter, and then I took a pillow to the face that had me falling onto the couch, but it did not stop me at all, only increased my laughter.

"Oh, God." I sighed, wiping the tears from my eyes as I got up and grabbed the many blankets and put them in the laundry basket to be washed.

"Qui veut de la confiture et du pain grillé? [Who wants jam and toast?]" Charles asked as we all piled in the kitchen. A round of 'moi's went around and Charles looked at us with distatse. He probably wasn't expecting everyone to agree, but it's morning, we're hungry, what did he expect?


(A/N: short chap after a long chap, seems pretty fair to me ;) )

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