Unexpected death

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With sound of the horseshoe, and the hobbling of the carriage over the road Eleanor didn't know the last time she felt so anxious and scared, she'd felt scared manny times in her life but this was different, she saw they were out of the hustle and bustle of the city when she looked outside. Sweeney on the other hand didn't know which way he was going but he contineud riding the carriage.

Eleanor and Toby sat in the carriage Toby under Eleanor's arm he saw she was anxious on how she was playing with her fingers and the look on her face.
"Mom where are we going?" he looked at her not knowing what was going on.

"I don't know love, we'll see." she gave him a anxious smile. She only hoped they would arrive safely wherever they were going.

With a loud creaking sound the carriage went crooked, Eleanor and Toby startled not knowing what was happening.

"Fuck" they heard the barber cursing. He then opened the carriage and looked at them.

"What's going on?" she asked when they sat completly crooked. "The wheel is broken" he sighed in a bad mood. "What? Oh no!" she got out of the carriage with Toby when the barber gave her a hand she looked at it with him. "Toby lad can you get the wheel it flew over there." he showed with his hand as he looked at the broken piece of the carriage, he knelt to see if he could make it. The boy nodded and ran to grab the wheel. "What are we going to do? Can you make it?" she asked him anxiously as she knelt by him.
"I don't know Eleanor I'm looking" sighing to her she knew he was anxious too even though was trying to act cool.

Toby came quickly with the wheel and suddenly they heard gunshots been fired. Sweeney looked in panic at Eleanor. As they looked at each other trying to figure out what was going on. "Mom" Toby muttered the baker turned looked at him the wheel fell from the poor boy's hands, blood started to trickle from his head, Eleanor's eyes widened when the realization hit her she grabbed hold of him as he fell unconscious.

"Toby!" a loud scream in pain left her lips and her cry filled the air, Sweeney had never heard such a desperate scream before it was as if her heart had been ripped away alive from her chest. He to was in shock and he felt guilty for feeling relieved that it wasn't her. He looked out to the road and saw two men on horseback starting to come closer from the distance. He couldn't tell exactly from afar but it looked like two officers.

He felt on Toby's neck to check his pulse when Eleanor held him and was crying desperatly "Toby open you're eyes!" she was on her knees by him desperatly pleading to him to open his eyes. He couldn't be dead, could he..

"Eleanor" Sweeney swallowed an took her by her arm, trying to pull her away from the boy. "No!" screaming to him she snached her arm away "Toby open you're eyes please you can't leave me!" crying she put her forhead on his.

"Eleanor he's dead, they're coming we have to be quick." He knew it was hard for her but if they lingered a bit longer there they would get caught and he couldn't let that happen.

"He's not, let me go!" she yelled. He grabbed the bags from the carriage and snached the horse from the carriage.

"Come on pet" He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her with difficulty away from Toby she was sobbing breathlessly as she felt him fading away from between her arms.. "Toby.."

"Stop!" the officers shouted at them as they came closer. He jumped on the horse and quickly picked up Eleanor and let her sit in front of him so he could protect her. Just as one of the men started firing again Sweeney quickly started riding the horse and went into the woods to make sure the men couldn't catch them.

"Let me go, leave me with him.." begging to leave her with Toby she tried to get off the horse she didn't care if she died she didn't want to leave her poor boy like that.

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