18 :Is it true ?

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"She's not gonna wake up " Nurse Pomfrey says after she used all kind of techniques she knew

"She has to , she can't just leave me " Cedric says crying as The twin embrce him in a hug, as Does Adrian do to Jade 

"She's a bitch , she has to , she has to wake up , Adrian tell me she will wake up , tell me she will and act mean to me , I don't care if she hates me but she .. she has to " Jade says as she starts to sink down the ground

"She don't hate you , she never did .. it was a facade  , to save you " Seojun said as he enters the hospital trying to maintain his tears

"How did this happen ?" He asks 

"We found her while sneaking of , she was , she was not waking up , we tried so hard , but she didn't " The twins says

"What do you mean she never hated us ?" Jade asks 

Arabella : Am I in a marvel movie , should I say something sarcastic like Clint

Assassin : It's not that you can run away , so keep it closed ( she breaks her crossbow)

Arabella: OMG Are you She -Hulk ? ( The assassin remains the same)

Arabella : Cause I can definitely Wanda you up ( She throws her to the wall , using her powers )

(She tries to run away , but the assassin comes back and tries to stop her and accidently revealing her face )

Arabella : Oh my frikking Odin ( She looks confused and we'll more confused )  you .. you are supposed to be dead 

Arabella : I went to your freaking grave .. its not possible , how .. how can you 

Assassin : I can explain 

Arabella : I .. I can't 

Assassin : Darling I m not asking 


Stranger : Can you calm down ( he says looking at Arabella's non stopping legs )

Arabella : Oh my bad , I don't knew you have to be calm when you meet your dead slash undead mom , what are you a vampire , no that's not possible  you're a wolf .. how are you fucking alive ?

Emillia : I was never dead

Arabella : You bitching me ? She's bitching me right ( She says looking at the stranger )

Stranger : NO , but you gotta stop using swears 

Arabella : Captain America

Emillia : I wasn't  dead , I was recruited for the secret services for magicals and peace

Arabella : So you pretented to be dead ?, How could You do this to me , didn't you loved me , you just freaking get  me  to live my whole life thinking my mom is dead

Do you know how hard it was?  Growing up without a mum ,  Do you know how much I cried when I found out Issabelle isn't my real mum , and it even got worse when I got in Hogwarts , I .. I became known as the daughter of murdrer the daughter who has no one , NO FUCKING ONE

Where were you when I , had my first kiss , my first crush , my first A , where .. where were you 

Stranger : I suggest you calm down , Arabelle  , and listen to her 

Arabella : Why should I ? And who the fuck are you anyways?

Stranger :  Because what she did was to save your life you knucklehead and you just made her sacrifice useless.

Arabella : what the hell you mean ? I did nothing ? I didn't even knew she was alive !

Stranger : Well you still brought Tom Riddle's spirit to alive didn't you? And that thing made voldemort one step closer to being realive 

Arabella : Tom has nothing to do with this ,ok?

Stranger: ah , young love ! Amusing bit depressing, do you even know he wants his "leader self", that he has already prepared to bring his future back , start the war again ! No? God you are such a fool!!

Emillia :  Christopher! Stop blaming her ! Stop , please ( Christopher wants to say something more but agrees)

Darling ,I know you might be angry at me ,annoyed and maybe even want to kill me  he's not good trust me . He stole the ressurication stone . He's planning something and maybe for something bad or worse.

Arabella : And you think I would believe someone who lied to me , the whole world ? 

Seojun : What if I showed you the proof ( he says making his presence noticable).

Her you go ( he throws papers at a nearby table)

Arabella : Is it true?


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