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Hermione: Pleasure to meet you , especially you Arabella .{ looks at the boys } You two better change into your robes. I expect we'll be arriving soon. [Gets up and leaves, then comes back and looks at Ron.] You've got dirt, on your nose, by the way, did you know? Just there. [Points to the dirt mark}

Arabella - I have a feeling you did not make a good first impression {She says to Ron , who glares at her }


{Scene changes into Arrabella , Ron and Harry talking about Hogwarts , when a bang is heard on the door of the compartment }

Jade : Oi R ! what are you doing here ? shouldn't you be pestering Wood now 

Arabella : Nice to meet you again bestie , children this is Jade Rosier , my best friend , foolish but best friend { she turns to Jade } and why would I be pestering him?

"Yeah why would she be ?" Sirius asks looking at Evan Rosier

"Mate you have a daughter " Regulus says to Evan

"I think I heard " Evan replies in a monotone 

Jade : First , Hey ! Second , there's a rumor you are sleeping with him. 

Arabella : Ew No , I am not having sex with him

"Thank god , otherwise I would have been a murderer" Sirius exclaimed as Remus sighed

"Who says you aren't charged for one " Draco muttered making Harry hit him

"Ow , Potter !" Making Both James and Harry look at him

"Aish" Ginny giggled

Jade : Thank god , cause I don't want you to be your 'usual self ' and fail the owl's , ok?

Arabella : I am just snogging him {Jade hits book on her arm}

Arabella : Ow what was that for ?

Jade : Didn't you heard me , I don't want you distracted 

Arabella : Come on , name one subject I 'm bad at

Jade : Potions

Arabella : Its because I am Snape's favourite and he want me to spend some time with him

Jade : He hates you 

Arabella : I know , and how ? I mean I always compliment him

Jade : 'Your hair makes me feel better about my bad hair day ' is not a compliment , its barely is a civil conversation starter {Arabella puts on a oh look} 

{The whole hall bursts out laughing , except Snape }

"And she wonders why I hate her " Snape mutters 

"I mean how can you ? she's lovely " Caroline speaks making Damon give a sarcastic nod 

{Skip to pre winter , Lol I m sorry I am lazy }

Oliver : Do you know 

Fred : Our Lovely 

George : Pretty 

Fred : Mischevious 

George : Wifey 

" Did he just say wife ? " Klaus growls 

"She is not married , is she ?" Stefan asks masking his intention as a friend , but unfortunately everyone see's through the mask

"I mean I don' care " Kol Says

"I mean yeah " Kai chimes in

"Nor do I " Damon says sipping bourbon from the glass

"Just don't " Bonnie sighs 

Cedric : Since when did you guys became triplets

Fred : Since we find out he's our wife's affair 

"What ..?" Sirius asks dumbfounded

"Didn't she said she's just snogging him" Rebekah asks 

"But  it was in the start of the movie " Lily speaks

"You guys don't believe , that your the guys she first slept with , do you " Ellijah asks 

Oliver : Why don't you just say it in the speaker {He taunts }

George : Great idea {He takes out a speaker and start yelling }

Oliver :  Seriously 

Cedric : Maybe she's with Jade 

Cedric : Why are you looking for her tho?

{The twins look at eachother }

Oliver : Today's the party remember 

Cedric : Ye...ah , Lets look for her 

{Scene changes into a graveyard , where Arabella enters }

Arabella : Hey , James , Lily . Its been a while hasn't it { takes a breath }

Arabella : 11 years right , the day you guys died , dad got in jail ...huh I got  for adoption

Arabella : James you know , you would be so proud of Harry , he made the quidditch team , in his first year too , prongs he beat you man , he beated you .He is exactly like you , like a damn replica {changes her gaze to Lily's grave}

Arabella : Lily , I am sorry , He is just like his father . He got his fathers brain too , Total dope {Lets out a laugh}

{Lily chuckles after crying into James arms }

Arabella : He don't show but , he misses you , very deeply , one night he just begged the prefect at night just so he can meet me and ask about his parents , he got detention for that though. I wish you guys were here { puts a flower boquet at the grave }

 Arabella : Ahh ..not again { Arabella groans as she falls at the grave , her vision turning black}

"What happen ?" Peter asks 

"What does she mean 'again'?" Remus asks protectively of his cub

" Did you know ?" Harry asks Draco , who gives a no tensing the hall



Jade Rosier portrayed by Dove Cameron

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