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??? POV

"Augh!" I screamed in pain as a 'mon reeled back their arm in recoil. I fell to the grassy floor, bottom-first, blood spurting out of my nose like a garden hose on a summer day. Quickly, I wiped my nose, staining a patch of my light-brown fur a dark crimson hue. Waves of paining sensations fluttered toward my face. Thick clusters of maple-wood trees cluttered the terrain we were on and the harsh scent of the lime-green grass flooded my nostrils.

"Had enough yet?" boomed an adolescent voice.

The figure towered above me, their shadow looming over my small furry body. The only reason he seemed so tall to me was that I was flat on my ass. The figure above me had light blue colored fur fading into black and gray at the end of its appendages. Their floppy ears and overly sized paw pads gave them the illusion of an average cutesy dog-like Pokémon. I quickly identified the attacker as a Riolu, which gave him a type advantage over me. I gritted my teeth in anger at his condescending tone.

"Go fuck yourself..." I spat back at him.

"Shut the fuck up already-!" he yelled quickly, giving me a swift kick to the side of my body.

The impact sent me airborne for a second before quickly dropping me to the ground and landing on the side of my right forepaw. I winced in pain while skidding a couple of feet back. Dirt, grass, and other foreign debris and grime now coated my right side and back. After recovering from the shock, I looked up the length of my arm to see a large-ish bruise starting to form among dozens of others."Great, another bruise to add to the collection." I thought to myself.

Rio had always been an asshole, especially to me. I had gotten my fair share of beatings for 'being out of line'. Rio was always acting like he owned the place, constantly terrorizing weaker Pokémon. Fighting weaker Pokémon gave him plenty of battle experience, which was a perfect incentive to keep doing so. I was one of his prime targets when it comes to receiving hits. Blood slowly dripped from my chin to the grassy floor as I pondered a plan of some sort.

"How pathetic," Rio said as a smug grin slowly appeared on his face. He slowly padded forward, each step he took making a loud crunching sound. My heart began to beat faster with each passing thud. Fighting wasn't exactly an option for me, so the only other choice was to run. I tried to stand up to run but ended up tripping on a nearby twig. For the second time, I fell flat on my ass. The grass was slightly wet, which made it much clearer to me that running was not going to be a viable option.

"Why so silent, Dusk?" Rio asked, wearing the fakest worried expression I'd ever seen.

Y'know, it wasn't always this bad. I never used to get into so much trouble before. But, as all things tend to be. This world was unkind and cruel like all the rest. Those with the biggest ego feel the need to flaunt their strength. They can go around beating others senseless with no shred of remorse behind their needless violence. There was no escape from shit like this.

"Where'd all that shit-talk go, smart-ass!?" Rio barked at me, snapping me back to reality.

Rio clenched his fists, a fire igniting in his eyes. He assumed a fighting stance once more before eagerly launching a punch at me. I simply just rolled over to the side, causing him just swipe at empty space. Without a second thought, I quickly pushed myself off the ground and launched myself at Rio, sinking my slightly dull teeth into the skin of his neck. He let out a loud cry of pain as the metallic taste of blood flooded my maw.

"Get the fuck off me!" Rio screamed, violently shaking his body in an attempt to throw me off. I only bite down harder, so I wouldn't get sent flying off. A small collection of fur, blood, and skin ripped from his neck in his attempts to get me off. Rio let out another yelp of pain before getting a grip on himself again. He launched himself at the nearest tree and bashed my back into it, searing pains now littering my back once more as the bruises inflicted their residual damage. I instinctively released my grip on his neck and fell to the ground once more, coughing heavily as I did so. I spat out a bit of blood that came from his neck along with some wet fur.

"Dude, your blood tastes like fuckin' shit!" I said while looking up at Rio, who was seething with rage.

A filthy paw snaked itself around my neck, tightly grabbing onto my scruff. A sudden force pushed me towards the tree I had been bashed upon. I coughed while gasping for air, the paw heavily constricting the movements of my neck. I stared him dead in the eyes, his amber-gold eyes filled with nothing but hate and spite.

"R-Rio... L-let go!" I weakly uttered, my voice soft and muffled.

For a second or two, he loosened his grip on my throat and I seized this moment by grabbing a little patch of dirt and assorted sands on the floor. I attempted to launch it at his eyes, but another dark-furred paw tightly gripped my own, almost crushing it.

"Do me a favor, will you?" He suddenly asked. I quickly nodded in fear.

"Faint quickly for me, alright?" He said with a conniving grin.

Instantly, he tightened his grip on my neck. A vein or two appeared over the length of his forearm. Intense pain quickly jolted to my constricted neck as asphyxiation began to take me. I stared one last time at Rio, who was only focused on choking the absolute fuck out of me. My vision blurred as my eyes rolled back. It's that same feeling you get when you go swimming and accidentally inhale a bit of water. You cough and cough but nothing comes out. Everything went dark until I was blind.

"Hey, are you alright?" A familiar voice called out.

** **

"Jeez, what a shitty way to start my morning off..." I thought to myself as I slowly stirred back to reality.

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