"I was crushed by Mama's doing. But I also realized how much of a mess Mama was. I want to be positive but I'm also a growing teenager. I was allowed to have emotions, I was allowed to sulk with what Mama does. I can't be understanding all the time because it'll only lead to more heartbreak" Alexa states as a single tear drops from her eyes.

Axel just stands there, looking at his twin sister solemnly. He knows it's only a matter of time till Alexa spills. He knows it's only a matter of time until Alexa says what she's been wanting to say. But he just hopes that it was Mama she was talking with.

Because both women need to be hearing each other.

"Bear, you know that I'm not gonna force you to do anything. You know that I'll always support you whatever it is you're doing but why don't you say this to Mama?" Axel said softly

Alexa just shakes her head.

"I've tried to talk to her. But everything I look into her eyes and want to say something, the urge to break down in front of her is so strong and I want her to scoops me up in her arm and say everything's fine but I know that's gonna be far from happening right now"

"Why did you think that?"

"Because after we're back in her life, she has done nothing but to show me what she wants me to be. She's not accepting me for who I've become. She seems like she can't accept it. But despite whatever it is that she done, I still fucking love her, Pupu! Sometimes I could see that she's looking at me like I was holding her whole world but her actions didn't meet with it" Alexa said as she started to get frustrated to explaining things she doesn't want to think about

"So now you tell me, if you're in my position, won't you be confused too? Won't you feel frustrated too? Won't you feel like this is maybe because I was too hard to love? Was it that?" Alexa said with her tears flowing down to her cheeks rapidly while she steps closer to Axel, gritting her teeth.

"It wasn't hard for me to love you, Alexandrea" Axel replied solemnly as he hangs his head low, looking down at the floor because he can't bear watching his twin sister break down for a millionth time.

Ever since their parents came back in their life, Alexa has been nothing but always breaking down. She could easily cry right there and then. But it's better than her turning off her emotion right?

"I know that this will be a confusing moment for you but I'm always gonna be here with you, Bear. I won't leave you all alone. It's our unsaid pact as twins. I'm always gonna be there for you because I'm also your big brother. I'll be there to protect you. And I know I say I won't force you to give Mama a chance anymore but I also know how badly you want to try to fix things again right? I'm gonna be here in whatever decisions you're making, Lex" Axel said, looking at Alexa in her eyes as she just continued holding back her sobbing.

Axel knew he couldn't ask for Alexa to give their parents another chance. To give Scarlett's another chance because Axel also wants Mama to be the one who makes the effort and shows it to Alexa.

But this is also as close as he can to let Alexa know that if Mama was showing a slightest effort on her, he wants Alexa to keep giving Mama the chances.

As much as it hurts Alexa, he knows that this is also hurting Mama and Papa too. Alexa just nodded her head while she calmed herself down from crying. Axel closes the gap he had with his twin sister and hugs to comfort the girl.

Unbeknownst to the twins, there's someone on the other side of the room hearing everything from the beginning. Scarlett, who just came upstairs to check on the twins to wish them good night after having a quick phone call with Lizzie, heard everything from the beginning and she was crying hearing how her daughter's struggling all alone. It hurts her too. And she needs to make things right. She will make things right for her baby girl. 


There we go. A bit heartbreaking writing the scenes where Axel makes Alexa rants. Oh and about 'The London Broadway'. This is all a made up for the sake of the story guys. I don't know if its a real thing or not. So just deal with me here for the sake of the story. 

Next chapter we're gonna have the twins meeting Johansson's family <3!!! Some fluff and then Alexa and Axel depart to London and then starting there we're gonna see how Alexa's relationship with her Mama fixed! 

No matter how hard we are on trying to pull ourselves out of the 'darker place', we'll always gonna be back there BUT just want you to know that I'M RIGHT HERE! I know I haven't heard this from anyone say this to me but let me say this to you guys in exchange, I am so very proud of you just by you are still breathing today. Look at me, I'm very proud yeah? Very very proud. We're struggling in our own way and I won't ever compared the struggles we have. I LOVE YOU GUYS IN EVERY UNIVERSE <3!!!! 

Growing Up | Evansson TwinsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang