0. Lily Caswell is Dead

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Trigger Warning: A Friend Being Killed, Murder, Bullying, Homophobia, Racism, Eating Disorder, Bulimia

July 4th, 2005
12:20 AM
   Lily's Girls were all out in her backyard shed drinking some wine she jacked from her father's wine cabinet. All her friends were here, and she loved them to be ugly and unmanageable. Ricky and her Cousin Ashlyn were her favorite. They had so little self-respect and self-image that she could bend them to her will. Nini and Kourtney had a bit more of an attitude and questioned her motives. That's why she had everyone over. They were surprised that she wanted company after just flying in from her vacation in the Florida Keys.

   "My moms and dad will kill me... but I will just have a sip," Nini said, and all of the friends giggled as Lily tipped the bottle further up so she would have more to drink. "Lily!" She coughed and laughed as Lily turned on the radio, and they all began to dance.

   "Girls, you will never believe who showed up on my porch asking if she could hang out with us tonight?" Lily cackled as her friends looked at her in awe. She was so beautiful, and they had no idea what she would want to be their friend.'

   Ricky was the only out boy in school. It didn't help when Lily referred to him as one of her girls... but he just wanted some friends. He wasn't the only gay in Rosewood Middle. He was the biggest too. His mother has tried putting him on Weight Watchers and tried to get him from box dying his hair fuchsia pink, but Lily told him that he was beautiful and should stand out. Ashlyn and Kourtney were curvy, too, but that wasn't where their insecurities lay.

   Ashlyn was madly in love with Lily, and Lily told her that she couldn't help whom she was attracted to. Kourtney was an outcast because she was one of the only black kids in Rosewood... she took it hard when her parents split, but Lily made her realize that she wasn't at fault for her parents failed marriage. Nini was the only girl at School with three parents. She also was dorky and wore glasses.

   Lily had set her up an appointment with the optometrist to get contact without her parent's knowledge. Dana told her that if God wanted her to have good eyesight, he would have given it to her and that her glasses made her look sophisticated.

   "Geeky Gina!" Lily answered after they all ran out of guesses

   "No way," Nini laughed.

   "Guys, she means well," Kourtney said. Gina was a little off, but she felt bad for her.

   "Kourt, just because you two have divorced parents and buy the same mocha foundation doesn't mean you have an alliance," Lily sighed, and the girls all nervously laughed. This was the hard part of being friends with Lily. You had to deal with her tongue. If you didn't laugh with her, you would be the subject of her abuse.

   "Ricky, honestly, if you have too many handfuls of the doughnuts, you will go into cardiac arrest," Lily snapped at Ricky, "You and Killer share the doughnuts with the others," She said, referring to Ashlyn. She started calling Ashlyn Killer when she realized she would defend her no matter water because she was in love with her. Lily rolled her eyes at the awkward silence and turned up the stereo. The rest just followed along with her, hoping she would be done.

   "Lilian, seriously, knock it off," EJ stormed into the shed startling all of them. Lily put a hand on her hip and centered herself, "I told you to keep the music down, or we will get another complaint, and Mom and Dad won't leave me in charge anymore.

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