Jealous of Whom

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It have been a day since Y/N learnt how to control the castle. With their powers they could move it endlessly, even in their sleep. Away from their troublesome personality, away from the daily fights with Howl, Y/N definetly made Howl's life better.

Howl POV:

Today I went to the city, with my castle.
I told Y/N to stopthe castle in the green land just before the chaos of the city, it is a huge castle so of course, I am not allowed to place it inside of the city.
I went to the tailor shop. I have known the man working there for years, Tristan, I would consider him a trusted friend.
I stepped into the shop and went right after Tristan and told him about my ruined coat. I told him how yesterday I had a breakdown about it but he didn't seem to be interested, maybe I was kind of overreacting, but hey, it's the coat, how am I going to be charming without it?

He finished sewing the cuts and ended up giving it to me. It looked like it is fresh and new. I thanked and payed him then left the shop.

The people of the city were all grouped, as if there was something interesting to them. I walked myself through the crowd to see what it is, and hey, it's my castle!
Everyone was so happy about it. Adults were confused, but children were pointing it out to their guardians, cheering and screaming.

'Just wait until they find out  the handsome man owning it' I thought to myself.

I climbed up the stairs after minutes of being stuck in the heavy crowd. I held the handrail to stop myself from flying with the wind.

"Ladies and gentlemen! What you are seeing here is the moving castle! Haha! Yes ladies, a moving castle!" I said while laughing. I was so happy people are starting to notice me. Everyone was cheering. My dream to become famous around the city people finally happened.

It was all good until a certain someone walked out of the castle..


After I moved the castle to the city, Howl offered me to view the city with him in a cold tone. He was probably still salty about yesterday since I said the Witch of the Waste is better than him. He is really sensetive sometimes.

I transformed into my human form and gave me a freezed meal to eat. I used to be disgusted of what Howl eats but, eh, it is indeed delicious.

It was all fine until I heard cheers and screams out the window. What where they seeing?

I peaked out the window and saw that the people were pointing the castle out. Oh man, I wish they do not get inside. I would have moved the castle away but Howl would've been so angry. I didn't know what to do.

I then heard Howl's voice. He was giving a speech and explaining stuff about the castle. He really loves attention, unlike me, I used to love the attention and all until.. the curse. Anyway, I decided to walk out of the castle.

Heavy winds were almost throwing me out the second I opened the door. I struggled to walk down the stairs. I then reached the stair right before the one Howl was on. He didn't seem to notice me until I  said his name.

"Howl! What is this?!"

"y/n? Y/N get in right now! This is my moment!" He growled

I opened my eyes widely. He was so happy with the attention people were giving to him but when I spoke to him, he switched. I wanted to push him off the stairs so badly at this moment, but I decided to just leave him be.

I got in the castle and into the bathroom. I took my clothes off and filled the tub with water.
I sat down and hugged my knees. I felt like I was melting. When I am in my human form and touch a body of water, I melt. Especially if I felt blue.

So there I was, in the cold tub, melting my sadness away while Howl was getting all the love he wished for. I couldn't help but feel jealous. I don't even know who I was feeling jealous of. Howl, or the people of the city. Howl loved them, and I would never get his love.

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