A Rescue Mission!

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It had been recent news around the Criminal Underworld that you had gotten word of, that A Guy named Overhaul has gotten his hands on A Little girl who has the powers to reverse things and it's possibly unstoppable.

There was also news that he was Beating her senseless, branding her, and experimenting on her to learn her secrets, and Now It's time for A Fucking Rescue Mission.

You Were now outside of Overhaul's Compound along with Himiko inside of A Van, as you were both getting ready.

Y/n: Okay so Himiko needs to get the Blood of one of the Guards, and then she can sneak us in

Himiko: Right, though that will be Hard

You then Turn to Tae smiling.

Y/n: Okay Tae you got the Blood sample?

Tae: Yes I got the Blood of One Ann Takamaki before her apparent weight gain, so this should work

Y/n: How did you get that?

Tae: Don't question my methods, Now drink it Himiko

Himiko: Right

She then drank the Vial of Blood, and she then turned into The Formely skinny and curvy Body of Ann, as Tae then handed her An overhaul Uniform which also has A Plague Mask, and soon she went inside.

Ann (Himiko): Hey Guys, I'm the newbie

Guard: How do we know you're really A Newbie?

Himiko then sighed as she then Flashed them and they all went down to Nosebleeds.

Ann (Himiko): Ugh, I can't wait to Pig out again, Being this skinny annoys me already

She then turned off all of the Security systems and you then quickly Snuck in with Himiiko following Behind!

Ann (Himiko) Alright, How are we gonna break In even further?

Y/n: I got someone for that! Futuba? Futuba come In! Are you there?

Meanwhile, Futuba was back at the Family home, Just enjoying some Pancakes when she heard the Call.

Futuba: Huh? Oh right, What is it?

Y/n: Okay big Girl, where do we need to go?

Futuba: go through the front entrance, go down 6 flights of Stairs, then turn Left, then go into the 10th Door on your right. I'll break all of the Locks on the way there

Y/n: Right, Thanks Futuba, I'll definitely get you some Crea, Bread for this

Futuba: (Blushing) T-Thanks...

You both then did the things Futuba told you and you both walked into A Room where A Bunch of Scientists were Working on An innocent little girl!

Scientist 1: Hey what are you-?

Y/n: Hey!

Scientist: What?

Y/n: What Killed off the dinosaurs?

Scientist: Uh? What?

Y/n: The Ice Age!

You then took Out A Freeze Gun and froze all of them!

Himiko/Tae/Futuba: Ice age? really?

Y/n: Hey, I wanted some good Puns!

You then walked off to the Little girl, and she Flinched!

Y/n: Hey, Hey, Little girl It's Okay (Takes off Mask) My name is Y/n, What's yours?

Eri: M-M-My Name is Eri...

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