Were done

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The next day avani fabiola and elinore were in the cafiteara talking, avani never really planned on doing anything to davi she just wanted to scare her, but when davi came off of the bus she looked more angry than anything. "I wonder what happend to her" fabiola questioned "Eh none of our buisness" elinore shrugged and continued on with their convesation, The bell rang and fabiola avani and elinore headed to their last class of the day, davi tried to talk to elinore and fabiola but they completly ignored her and it was hard for avani to hold in her laugh. Paxton walked in and took his seat behind avani "hey babe" avani greeted turning in her seat "Hey" paxton smiled as he pulled his papers from his bag "Ok class today before class is over we are going to be presenting our group projects" the teacher said taking a seat in his chair, The last group to go was avani davi paxton and trent, but when they did the teacher was impressed with their idea and they all were sure they would get a good grade.

At the end of the day fabiola and avani waved to elinore and they climbed into avani's car "fab" avani haulted and looked over at her sister "yea" fabiola asked buckling her seatbelt "Whats going on between you and eeve" avani smirked seeing her sisters face become red "What are you talking about" fabiola nerviously chuckled "You know what im talking about" avani smirked as she pulled out of the school parking lot "We're just friends" fabiola dismissed "Totally" avani smiled and continued driving.


when davi got home she couldent help but feel guilty for how she treated avani, and how her treating one friend badly lead to her losing all of her friends, and paxton somehow found out that she had lied about sleeping with him, and she was angry at ben because he was the one going around telling people, right?.
davi stomped up the stairs and into her room flopping down on her bed and sulking down in her sheets wanting to cry, but suddenly a silent tapping from her window made her jump out of her depressing state and look up at her window, "Paxton".

When she let paxton in he was soaking wet but he didnt seem to mind it at all he climbed into davis room and crashed his lips into hers, and the two began having a full blown makeout session, and davi wasnt even thinking about her best friend or how she was literally eating her boyfriends face, when they were finished paxton left and davi was left standing in the middle of her bedroom starstruck, she felt guilt eating away at her insides at the thought that she had just made out with her best friends boyfriend, but she wasnt sad she was happy she had been waiting to do that since 3rd grade, so that night davi went to bed on cloud9.


The next morning avani got ready for school quickly and her and fabiola made their way to school, When they got there and walked down the hall avani tried not to mind the fact that davi was all over paxton this morning, she brushed it off and walked into her first class with fabiola, "Hey avani" ben greeted "hey benny" avani smiled "wait a second" avani said looking over at the boy "isnt today your birthday" avani smirked "Yes finally someone relised" ben sighed "So what are you going to do today" avani asked leaning in her seat ignoring paxtons entrance "Well im having a party at my place" he shugged "Am i invited" avani asked "Nah" ben chuckled as avani nudged his arm "Im kidding" he smiled "well can paxton come" avani asked sitting back in her seat and smiling back at paxton "totally, everyone can come" ben said standing to his feet "Party at my place tonight everyone is invited" ben said sitting back down "ok great ill see you there then" avani said getting started on her work.

At the end of the day in the car avani informed fabiola about the party and begged her to attend, "fine ill go, but i thought you didnt like ben" fabiola questiond "me and ben have been friends since the 2nd grade, we just have a complicated relashenship" avani said pulling into the drive way "ok lets get a move on" avani instructed her sister as she stepped out of her car and made her way to the front door, once avani got into the house she rushed up to her bedroom to find a perfect outfit, avani picked out a cropped white long sleeve and a short gold skirt and her white sandels, avani put her hair up in a high pony tail and left her bedroom and enterd fabiola's "wow" avani said looking her sister up and down "where did you get that its cute" avani said pointing to the white over coat fabiola was wearing "eeve gave it to me" fabiola said with a smile "You ready to go" avani asked swinging her keys around her finger "yea lets go" fabiola said as the two exited her bedroom "mom we're leaving love you" avani shouted as the two walked out the door.


When davi got to bens party she spotted avani fabiola and elinore sitting on the steps talking and she got jelious, but continued on her way to the kitchen "hey david" ben greeted as she took a seat on a stool across from him "whats up birhday boy" davi said "nothing but whats going on between you and avani" ben asked with furrowed eyebrows "nothing, but can i tell you something" davi asked she had to tell someone about her and paxtons little interaction, "yea hit me" ben said leaning forward in his seat to listen "you cant tell anyone definetly not avani" davi said holding out her pinky "pinky promise" she said as ben wrapped his pinky with hers "yup got it now tell me" ben said "So last night paxton came to my window and we kinda made out for almost an hour" davi blurted and ben couldent hold his mouth closed, bens jaw dropped as he was hearing davis story "oh no" ben said looking out the window "i know its not good but its not my fault" she shrugged "no look" ben pointed behind her where avani stood, davi turned her head and was immedietly knocked out of her seat by avani's fist "OUUU" everyone said "Bitch" avani mutterd as ben pulled her away.


ben pulled avani into a theatre room and sat her down trying to get her to calm down but she was completly calm she wasnt mad at all, "ben im fine" avani smiled and the boy took a seat next to her "that was badass" ben chuckled and avani sat in silence, and suddenly ben leaned in "woah ben what are you doing" avani said leaning back away from the boy "oh nothing" ben said moving away akwardly "I have to go ill see you tomorrow" avani said standing to her feet and walking out of the room.

When avani enterd the back yard fabiola was shouting at davi about her obsession about paxton, avani approached the two and noticed the huge red stain on fabiolas white over coat "fab what happend" avani asked slurring her words "davi pushed it into me" fabiola complaned and avani turned to davi who was completly silent and jumped on the girl knocking her to the ground and began punching her in the face over and over and over until paxton tried pulling her off, "avani turned to the boy and pushed him away "dont fucking touch me" she shouted "were done" avani said before turning back to davi who was not back on her feet and shoving her into the pool.

Paxton dove into the pool immedietly to help davi and avani couldent help but feel sad, he didnt even hesitate to jump in after her but avani brushed it off and without another word walked through the house to the front door with fabiola and elinore following close behind her "fuck i cant drive" avani said stumbling to her car "i can call my dad to pick us up" elinore suggested "yea" avani said laying on the ground.

Dont know why but i feel like every story needs a little violance, hope you enjoy!
word count:1427

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