Fuck ben gross

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It was a new year at sherman oaks high school and this year was avani's last year until her seniour year, and her and her friends were on a mission to get boyfriends. avani never had a problem getting male attention so nobody douted that she could get whoever she had her eyes on, at some point even paxton hall yoshida tried to get with her, she turned him down and never spoke a word of it around davi it was clear that davi had a thing for paxton. things were never akward for avani and paxton they even became friends after the situation.

Avani was late to class and was bombarted with slick comments from ben gross "hmm late again" "wonder who had the plessure of meeting you in the janiters closet today" ben spoke sarcastically, sadly for avani zoe was sat right behind ben and had taken notes of their whole interaction "fuck off ben" avani said putting her head down "awe i was only joking" he said with a fake pouting voice "BEN SHUT THE FUCK UP" avani yelled standing from her seat and leaving the classroom.

Ben was one of the least liked people in her school he is a total asshole and hes like super lonely at home so he takes out his sadness and anger on avani or whatever Fuck ben gross. avani sat in the bathroom stall calming herself down when she got a notification on her phone, when she pulled it out she was met with a romur about her hooking up with half the swim team in the janiters closet, "fuck" she mumbled leaving the bathroom with tears staining her cheeks "avani" paxton shouted jogging to catch up with the wheeping girl "hey are you alright i just seen zoe's post" paxton asked rubbing her back in an attempt to confort her "Im fine" avani said wiping her face and sending the boy a fake smile "i have to get to class see you later" she said walking away.

Avani made her way to her last class of the day, another class with ben she sat in her seat right beside ben "hey im sorry i didnt know zoe would do that" ben said expecting her not respond "just leave me alone ben" avani said looking to the front of the room. a few minutes into the class paxton walkes in and takes a seat right behind avani she was aware that he had to repeat this class so she didnt ask questiouns. After class ben tried to talk to avani but she continued ignoring him instead she followed paxton, paxton wrapped his arm around her shoulder and walked down the hall, avani could see davi fabiola and elinore waiting for her at the end of the hall so she parted ways with paxton "bye ill see you tomorrow" she waved "see ya" he replied joining his group of friends.

"Hey guys what are we doing today" avani asked the three girls "im going to ask paxton to have sex with me" davi blurted out "woah ok why" elinore asked "becasue why not" davi said "are you ready for that" avani asked the girl "yeah the other day i seen him wearing grey sweatpants and let me just say DAMN" elinore said "well me and fab gatta get home we'll see you you guys later" avani said waving at the two girl's before heading to her car "why do we have to get home early" fabiola asked climbing into the passenger seat "we dont i just dont want to know about how my best friend is going to try and get my other best friend to rail her" avani admitted "yea same" fabiola agreed as they pulled out of the parking lot "hey i seen zoe's post are you ok" fabiola asked, "yea im fine" avani replied "why would she say something like that" fab asked "because ben was making jokes and she happend to hear one" avani interjected her fists balling at the thought.

"I still cant get over how you and paxton have matching jeeps i wish i had friends that would do something like that with me" fab said "i suggested it he just agreed" avani shrugged "hmm almost like its a couple thing" fab joked "haha soo funny" avani said with a blank face pulling into the driveway of their house "welp in we go" avani said getting out of the car.

A few hours after it got dark avani decided to pay paxton a visit, she knocked on his door, when the door opend she looked in and seen davi sat on the small couch in the middle of the room "oh hey davi" she greeted the girl "hey avani what are you doing here" she asked "I just need to speak to paxton i wont be here long i promise" she said winking at the girl "paxton i was wondering since you are like besties with zoe maybe you could get her to take this down" she asked is a whisperd tone "That wont be easy" he said scratching the back of his neck "im sure you can make something happen" avani said patting his bare back and walking to the door "bye stranger" avani said looking twoards davi "bye avani" she waved.

When avani got back home she flopped down onto her bed and started scrolling through tiktok until she dozed off.

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter its kinda short
word count: 919
I hope people read this

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