Oh i do i just dont care

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That night at elinores house they scrolled through the page that made the post and had no luck on finding out who it was. "So whats going on between you and paxton" elinore asked hardly holding in her squeel "We've only been dating for a two days there isnt much to talk about" avani said she could feel her face heating up at the thought of the boy, "well its still pretty exciting" elinore says "what does devi think about you and paxton" fabiola asked "well me and davi arent really on talking terms right now" avani said with a shrug "oh yeah she told me about you betraying her or something" elinore recalled "I think we should get to bed" fabiola said somehow sensing her sisters discomfort "totally" elinore said climbing onto her bed avani joining her leaving fabiola to sleep on the floor.

The next morning at school everyone was talking about someone sleeping with paxton, but avani assumed it was old news until fabiola walked up to avani in the hall and spoke with a sad voice "vani davi is telling people that she railed paxton hall yoshida, she just told me and elinore" those words made avani's heart drop but she couldent bring herself to show any emotion "ok" is all she said before walking into class, when paxton walked in she zoned out completly ignoring ben's comments about her outfit and paxtons taps on her shoulder. "miss Toress" the teacher called making avani look up from her desk "what is the answer to question three" he asked "I dont know" avani said putting her head back down on her desk "well maybe if you listend you would" the teacher mutterd making the class giggle "bitch" avani mumbled.

After class avani met up with fabiola and they walked together outside for lunch, avani didnt get any food she just sat beside elinore and fabiola, davi was on a math trip or some shit. Avani was in the middle of talking to fabiola when someone tapped her shoulder, it was paxton "hey can we talk" he asked avani rolled her eyes and stood to her feet leading paxton to an empty corner, "I didnt do anything with davi i swear" he said "mhm what else' avani said with no emotion on her face "Why dont you belive me" he asked "Oh i do i just dont care" she replied standing to her feet "was that all" she turned to the boy "are we going to be ok after this" he asked with pleading eyes "yeah i just need to have a chat with davi" avani said turning on her heel and walking back to her lunch table paxton doing the same and returning to his friend's.

"So how did it go" fabiola asked "fine" avani replied getting on her phone and clicking on davi's contact, the phone rang all the way through so avani grabbed elinores phone off of the table and tried calling davi again, two rings and someone picks the phone "hello" devi says on the other line "hey david just wanted to give you a call, i will be waiting for you to get off of that bus tomorrow bitch, be ready" avani finished and hung up the phone and passing it back to elinore "im going home early ill pick you up later fab" avani said standing to her feet and exiting the school.

When avani got home she walked into her bedroom and put on a baggy shirt and a pair of sweat pants, after grabbing her laptop avani threw herself onto her bed and turned on netflix, after scrolling through it for a while a light tap on her window caught her attention and when she looked it was paxton "what are you doing" avani asked as she slid the wondow open letting the boy in, but he didnt respond instead she crashed his lips into hers and they fell onto avani's bed and after a long make out session they broke away from eachother to catch their breath.

After paxton had left avani relised what time it was and ran out the front door "fabiola is going to kill me" avani said to herself as she started her car and sped to the school, "hey fab" avani said letting out a nervious chuckle "really" fabiola said looking at avani's neck "your late because you were too busy making out with paxton" fabiola said "Tell me all about it" she then said with a sudden burst of emotion.

I dont really like this chapter, but oh well its something i guess hope you enjoyed! bye lovers
Word count:777

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