Ew thats unsanitary you could have aids

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The next morning fabiola bursted into avani's bedroom while she was getting ready for school "what the hell fab" avani asked "look at this" she said showing avani her phone, someone had posted a photo of avani and an artical about how she is a slut and sleeps with anything that had a heartbeat. avani didnt pay it any mind it wasnt the first and it damn sure wasnt going to be the last "eh it could be worse" she shrugged and she slid her shoes on leaving fabiola stood on the middle of her bedroom shocked about how calm she was being. fabiola knew that her sister being as calm as she was now was never a good sign and she most likely would take it out on someone sooner or later.

In the car on their way to school fabiola tried her best not to think about what her sister could possibly be thinking, but before she knew it they were pulling into the school parking lot, fabiola got out of the car making sure to stay by avani's side until the day was over so that she wouldent flip out on anyone. When avani enterd the school all eyes were on her and she felt disgusted she could basically hear the boys thoughts, avani didnt stop to talk to paxton and just went straight to class not saying a word the whole day.

Fabiola had most of her classes with avani so watching her wouldent be that hard after all, but as soon as ben gross sat down she knew he would be a problem "hey avani" he greeted the girl silently writing in her note book "hello ben" she replied not taking her eyes off of her paper "ew your bleeding" a boy behind her said as she looked down at her knee "Ew thats unsanitary you could have aid's" ben commented throwing avani over the edge, just as paxton walked in she started going off on ben with tears rolling down her face, fabiola pulled the girl away and out into the hallway to calm her down, but all she could do was cry she felt like she was on the verge of a panic attack so she stood to her feet and ran into the girls bathroom fabiola and paxton following her "ew get out" fabiola said shooing paxton away "what no" he said with a concerned look as avani sat in a corner hugging her knees "ive got this just get out of the girls bathroom" fabiola said turning her attention back to her sister who was now having a mini panic attack "hey its alright we'll find out who posted it" "i promise" fabiola said sitting next to avani pulling her head into her chest and rubbing circals on her back.

Once avani calmed down she walked out of the bathroom and heard her name being called from the other side of the hall, it was the principle here we go again, she made her way to the front office passing paxton and his friends when she enterd the principles office she seen ben gross sitting in a chair across from the principle, she took a seat and waited for someone to speak "Ben do you have anything you want to say to miss Torres" the women asked looking twoards ben in his seat "yes, i am very sorry for doing absolutley nothing to you" ben said with a small smirk, the women rolled her eyes and turnd to face avani "miss torres do you have anything to say to mister gross" avani chuckled at the name and turned to face the boy "Im sorry that i spoke nothing but facts" avani said "are we done here" avani asked standing to her feet "yea i have to get back to class, and i will not be pressing charges" ben said dead serious "ok we were not on that topic, but yes you are free to leave" the women dismissed the two.

While they were walking down the hall back to class avani couldent help but shove ben, she watched as he hit the ground and she booked it to her class ignoring the footsteps behind her getting closer with every step that she took, when she got to class she sat down and continued on about her day like nothing ever happend.

After school avani had arranged to spend the night at elinores house with fabiola to try and figure out who spread the roumor about avani.

This is super short sorry about that hope you enjoyed next part should be out later or tomorrow night.
Word count:776

Forget me - Ben grossOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora