C | Stalker

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"Good morning, Y/N!" Irene smiled as she caught up with you.

Today, the two of you were sharing the burden of dusting off the walls. And considering how big the place was, it would be a lot of work.

In all honesty, you weren't feeling like doing the job at all.

You knew it would take up all of your time and you'd be exhausted at the end of it.

But who were you to complain?

You were merely a maid who had to do her job, no complains to be given.

But you couldn't lie when you told some maids you had wanted to escape, and even had a few plans.

Although you wanted that freedom so much, you knew it would never be possible because of multiple reasons.

Especially not with the sisters on your ass since day one.

"C'mon, Y/N, let's hurry before we get complains." Irene said as you were falling behind.

You quickly caught up with her before you both went your own way.

You were the one who was going to dust off the room you first enter when you walk into the castle.

And this room wasn't the biggest either, so you found you had it rather quite easy for now.

Just as expected of you, you grabbed your stuff and began to dust everything off.

The walls, the corners, the vases and cabinets too.

As the dust fell down from the walls and onto the floor, you knew you'd have to clean that up soon too.

An audible sigh left your lips as you stepped up the staircase, facing the painting of the 3 sisters. One that has hung there for as long as you can remember.

They looked so different compared to now; now they looked like cold-blooded killers, which they were.

Your eyes scanned each and every one of their faces, realising that they too were normal humans before, something you couldn't imagine now that you have been working here for years.

And there you stood, scanning the portrait for several minutes.

Your eyes lingering at the sister who was named Cassandra, the only one who was somewhat decent towards you.

The two of you often found each other in situations where you were taking care of each other, despite you not being her personal maiden.

Ruffling sounds took you out of your thoughts before you turned your head to the left, looking at the opened doors. You were sure you had closed those.

"Hello?" You called out before walking towards the spot where the noise came from.

It was behind a curtain- and you right away assumed it was the wind. But that wouldn't be possible, because the windows are always closed so there could never be a breeze.

But then why was it floating around like it was?

"Irene, is that you?" 

The closer you got, the faster your heartbeat went. 

Within a few seconds were you standing at the curtain, grasping onto the fabric.

With a yank did you pull it to reveal what was hiding there- nothing.

You let out a relieved sigh and turned around, just to meet the image of Cassandra towering over you, causing you to scream and step back out of shock.

"Holy fuck!" The words echoed along the hallway before a laugh followed soon after.

"Did I scare you?" She smirked and raised her eyebrow as you looked up at her.

You growled to yourself and glared at the woman, "Yes, you did!" 

The glint in her eyes showed you that she was enjoying this moment a lot.

"Cutie." She told you and caressed your face before turning around and walking into the room you were in not so long ago, leaving you to blush.

After a second of calming your heart down, you followed the lady.

"What even are you doing here, shouldn't you be in the cellar- torturing people?" You asked when you eventually caught up to the vampire. 

"Yes, but I wanted to check up on you." Cassandra murmured and scanned the room, "You have quite a lot of dusting to do, don't you?" 

You nodded your head with a small 'yes' before she picked up the brush you had dropped on the floor before.

Your head tilted to the side as she walked to a cabinet, "What are you doing?" You asked her before she dusted off the top of it.

"What does it look like?" 

"You're dusting the cabinet off."


You stayed quiet for a while and watched her do your job, "But why?" 

You bent down and grabbed the second brush you took with you to join her.

"Because I- no reason." She quickly cut off her answer and continued, not paying attention to you anymore. 

At least, that's what you thought.

Her eyes were on you almost every second from across the room as you did your job.

You felt as if something was staring at you but didn't even mind to turn around and look in the room, because whatever it was, it couldn't hurt you. Not with Cassandra in the room with you.

The thought of her being with you always had comforted you, it even caused for you to sneak into her bed when you woke up in the middle of the night, feeling scared of what's outside.

Which was odd, because most would think inside the castle would be scarier and more dangerous than outside.

But you felt more save in the arms of the blood thirsty Cassandra Dimitrescu than in the village that laid outside.

And it'd probably stay like that till the day you die.

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