D | Lost Puppies

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"So, where do you want to go now?" You asked your girlfriend, Daniela, as you both walked hand in hand through the mall.

The two of you decided to go shopping today because it was Saturday and you both deserved it after a long and busy week.

She pointed her finger, "How about some ice cream?"

You followed her finger and saw an ice cream stand. How convenient, just what you wanted on this hot day.

"Yes!" You exclaimed and grabbed onto her hand when she still had it extended out in front of her- dragging her along with you.

The both of you stood behind the small line of people that was waiting to get their ice cream as well.

"I'll pay." You spoke up when the line got shorter.

"No, I will." Daniela said before grabbing her purse out of her bag.


"What may it be for you ladies?" The seller said- apparently it was our turn already.

"A strawberry for me and chocolate for her." Your girlfriend said, knowing you all too well.

She glanced to the side just to see you with a small smile on your face.

The man gave us our ice cream and Daniela ended up paying for it.

"Come, let's sit there." She told me and I followed close behind her until we sat down by a table.

The Dimitrescu had already started eating and had some strawberry ice cream smothered across her face like a kid.

"Babe." You chuckled out loud and wiped the excess away with your thumb.

"Hurry up or else it'll melt." The girl announced and pushed your hand to your mouth- to which you began to eat your ice cream.

It didn't take long before she had finished while you were still eating away.

"Y/N, I'm going to the toilets. Stay here." You watched her walk off before you went back to finishing your ice cream.

It was 5 minutes later and she still didn't come back, nor did you see her anywhere around.

You stood up and walked around, hoping to see a familiar redhead.

But to no avail.

So, you decided to head to the toilets, but she wasn't there either.

Knowing she had the mindset of a child at times- you began to get worried, thinking she might've gotten lost in the crowd.

"Daniela!?" You yelled out amongst all the people- who turned and gave you weird looks.

But you didn't care as long as you could find your lover.

You ran around but didn't get a sign from her. Panic filling your mind as adrenaline kicked in.

That's when you decided to ask around, but all you heard was that they didn't know anything.

Finally, there was one who gave you a clue and pointed to a store.

You ran to the entrance and stopped abruptly- seeing that it was a pet store.

You walked inside slowly and examined the room, seeing multiple people with their children- hoping to buy themselves a pet.

A worker walked up to you, "Hello, how could I help you?"

She looked you straight in the eyes as if she could sense your worry, "I- I'm looking for a redhead, about this tall and as white as snow."

The girl nodded her head up and down and looked towards a corner of the shop, "I think she's the one you're looking for."

"Thank you so much." You smiled at her and went to the corner where she told you Daniela would be.

And behold, there she was- sitting amongst a group of puppies.

"Love." You sighed and smiled, watching her give all of them attention.

She didn't seem to notice you because of how occupied she was with the animals.

So, you stepped over the fence and put your hand ontop of her head, stroking her hair through your fingers.

Her head snapped up before her golden eyes met yours.

A smile formed onto her lips as she picked up a dog, a Norwich terrier.

"Baby, look at him!" She smiled.

You looked down and were met with the dog staring into your eyes, inviting you to pet him.

Your hand reached out and stroked him over his head, feeling how soft he was.

"He's adorable."

"Can we have him?!" She asked all of a sudden.

Though you kind of expected this question to come.

Daniela has been bugging you about buying a pet for months now- and you honestly were wanting to have one too.

But it's so much work to take care of a dog.

"Please!" The girl whined and gave you her puppy eyes, whilst the terrier seemed to do the same.

You looked between the both and sighed, slightly nodding your head.

She jumped out of excitement and went to the front desk. You followed her and filled in the papers that were needed for the dog along with buying some essential stuff.

A pair of lips were pressed against your cheek when you stood there, waiting.

You felt your cheeks heat up before looking to the side to see Daniela stand there with the dog.

Guess you are going to be a mom of 2 now.

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