Chapter 2: The Girl

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"Amara, here's your room. This was previously my stepmom's room when she was here but now she's in another place with my dad."

Turn's out, I don't have to ask or do anything to gain information from Lockley as she was a chatterbox from the beginning.

We were having a tour of the house that started when I got inside. She pointed at certain locations, where I could cook, where I should clean, and where I can take a break once in a while etc. etc.

All the while, my brain could barely register what she was saying even from before. I think at this point she was trying to overwhelm me, which worked.

"Ah..." once she noticed that I was visibly distressed, she left me to my own devices and I got to breathe for once. She went to the doorway and faced me. "We'll buy yourself a cabinet, okay? Never ever open my mom's closet. I forgot to buy a lock for that." She looked distressed as she muttered the last sentence, so I just stared at her until she left to go downstairs.

I was left to unpack my things and clean up the room of her stepmother which was going to be my room for quite some time.

A few days later...

"Um... Lockley?" We were eating at the dining table, cutlery clashing against our plates as mine stopped to ask her a question. I swallowed my food first before asking her something I'm curious about.

"Who's that woman inside my room?"

The cutlery noises stopped.

Lockley looked at me with wide eyes before swallowing the food that was in her mouth, "W-what do you mean...?"

I saw her face pale under the fluorescent lights as her mouth dried up, trying to make sense of what I asked.

That's when it dawned on me.

"No, no! I meant the picture! The picture of the woman, Lockley!" I realized how absurd my question was and how it sounded as I tried to calm down the teen with my explanation.

"Oh, hahaha!" She laughed as she got over her shock, her eyes watering with unshed tears. "Her! Mama Wanda!"

She continued eating while telling me the story of the woman in the picture. Or rather, why it wasthere in the first place.

"She's mama Wanda. As you may know--" she looked at me quizzically as if asking if I knew, and basing on my questiong face, she got her answer, "or not," she shrugged, "the room you're currently staying in was my stepmom's room before she went mi-- to Batangas, with my dad."

I nodded for her to continue.

"Mama Wanda was her best friend." Her tone was somber, as if she was reminiscing memories together with said person, "Until she died of an aneurysm early this year."

I felt pity as I watch her face turn into a myriad of emotions, the last one being grief-stricken it struck me that I hit a nerve that shouldn't have been hit.

It also made me realize that I got curious, curious enough to ask, a trait that I was suppose to remove when I chose to reside here.

This is getting dangerous.

Before I know it, I'm gonna lose this job as well as the perks of having it because of this damn curiosity of mine.

Or worse, it could get me killed.

"Anyways, Amara. That was it! Hahaha! Do you want me to remove her picture from your room? I could move her to my room, if you want." She asked kindly.

I didn't answer, because I didn't think that the location of Wanda's photo was that important for me to fuss about.

But I have to be honest, the photo gives me the creeps. The way Wanda's eyes seem to be following me as I unpacked, her ears zi imagine, perking up whenever I converse with my boyfriend via phone call.

It was as if she was spying on me, watching my every move and trying to determine whether I'm a threat to Lockley or not.

I don't believe in ghosts.

But I don't want to completely remove the possibility of being haunted by her if she deemed me as so.

I smiled at Lockley. Somehow, the familiar twinkle in her eyes dimmed before brightening again, making me feel as if I have to say or do something about it, I just don't know what.

"It's fine." I finally answered, in which she smiled in glee before continuing her assault of the food.

"Alright, if you say so~" she said in a sing-song voice.

Little did I know that I should've taken up her offer right then and there.


How are you guys holding up?😶‍🌫️ We're still at the beginning ohohohoho.

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