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Name: Y/n Shigaraki

Hair: Purple but quirk is activated it turns black

Eyes: e/c but when quirk is activated they turn gold.

Quirk: wonderland-you can make anyone hallucinate their wildest fantasy by looking into their eyes. Can also grow and shrink on command.

Side effects: hallucinations make the victim feel high, as if they were tripping on acid. Growing and shrinking made her feel like she was rolling on molly.

Age: 22

Family: unknown/orphan. Adopted by shigaraki


Y/n had a family once, they got into a bad car accident when she was six. She crawled out of the car with a bad concussion. She tried to open the door for her parents to get out but the doors were stuck. Her mother yelled out of the cracked window for her to leave and get help. She tried to focus on that but her concussion made her confused. She got one street over and heard and explosion.

Y/n ran toward the sound and saw a car in flames. Heros were on the scene immediately and there was a crowd gathering. After the paramedics had pronounced all of them dead, the crowd disbursed. Y/n was alone and confused. She couldn't remember what she was supposed to be doing or where her family was. Did she have a family?

She started to walk away toward the brighter lights in the city, wandering all alone. A curious character found her wandering.

"What are you doing here child? Where are your parents?"

Her eyes welled up with tears, obviously overwhelmed. "I don't know, I'm lost."

"Do you have parents my dear?" The man knelt down to look her in the eyes.

"I'm not sure." She began to shrink in size because she was scared. Just at the little bit of size change, she was relaxed and felt at ease. "I think I'm alone."

"Do you have a name?"

"I think my name is Y/n... but I'm not sure."

"Well, I'm Shigaraki. My son would love a play mate, would you like to come home with me?" He held out his hand to her.

She looked him in the eyes, "Promise I'll be safe?"

"No such promise will ever be easier." He smiled as Y/n took his hand. They walked back to his house together and began to raise her like his own.

If anyone make fan art with their oc please let me know I want to see them!

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