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We were driving in a comfortable silence. In a low volume on the radio, 'Funeral' by Rachel Lorin was playing.

I couldn't help but look over at him, his scars ran down his neck from his face. I know it's rude to touch but I really wanted to. I kept my hands on both sides of my legs and decided to look forward again.

I saw him glance over at me from my peripheral and I could swear he smiled. I felt his hand hover over mine for a second but he pulled it away again. I looked down at my lap and smiled.

I also couldn't help but think that Father would much rather me end up with someone like him rather than a pro hero. I felt a little guilty that I kissed Hawks and still got into the car with Dabi but I felt just as comfortable around Dabi as I did with Hawks. It was so weird.

Could you have feelings for two people at once? No I can't think that. I don't even know these guys that well.

Soon we pulled into the car park and I saw those damn golden arch's and I couldn't help but jump up and down in my seat a little bit.

"Someone's excited." He smirked at me.

I bit my lip, "I just really like their fries and sweet tea." It wasn't a lie, but the other reason I was so happy was that it felt like he read my mind.

He ordered for both of us and we sat in the car park eating our food facing each other. Both of our backs were against the car doors and we kept glancing at each other.

Dabi chuckled as he ate another fry. "What? Is there something on my face?" I wiped my face with a napkin just to make sure.

"No, you're just so cute. Sometimes you give off such a mysterious vibe but right now you are like a kid who just discovered candy for the first time." He sucked the salt off his thumb and smiled at me as I blushed.

"Yeah well you come off as hard and callous yet whenever you look at me you're smiling like you just discovered how to play with fire." It was my turn to chuckle as his lips slightly parted and his eyes went wide.

He suddenly leaned closer to me and whispered, "What do you know about me?"

I leaned forward as well, "I know you're a demanding pretty boy who likes McDonald's and nice cars."

He smirked at this, "So you know next to nothing about me and still got into a car with me. That's dangerous Alice."

It was my turn to smirk at him, "You know next to nothing about me and you chose to pick me up. That's dangerous Dabi."

At the same time we both said, "I could be a murderer and you would have no way of knowing." We both laughed and then suddenly we had just looked into each other's eyes.

He grabbed my face and got a little bit closer to me, "Alice... you're so beautiful." I breathed a bit harder at the sudden contact and just stared back at him waiting for his next move. "I could hurt you."

"But you won't." That caught him by surprise. "Do it." Not even I was sure by what I meant.

He seemed to take that as invitation to gently place his lips on mine. I kissed him back. His bottom lip was rough and textured but his top lip was soft and smooth as hell.

He kissed me over and over, pulling me as close as we could get in his car. He put one of his hands on my thigh and squeezed it, making a small moan escape my mouth. He smiled into the kiss and squeezed harder. Another small moan was let out and he swiped his tongue on my bottom lip. I decided to take a bit of control and nipped at his top lip. His hand went from my face to my hair, slightly pulling my head backward.

He kissed under my jaw and sucked a little making me squeeze my legs together in a natural reaction. His hand on my thigh slid up a little bit and squeezed again while he moved down my neck nipping and sucking. My moan had turned a tad bit louder.

He let my hair go and kissed my lips again in a hungry fashion. As if he had been starving and my lips were the most desirable meal he had ever tasted. He had me like putty in his hands and I'm not sure I could say no to him if he begged for more.

My phone started ringing and he reluctantly pulled away to let me answer it.


"Y/n where are you? You have your cerfew at 11pm. It's 11:15." It was Father.

"I'm sorry I lost track of time I'll head home now." I bit my lip and looked at Dabi.

Silence on the other end, "Just get home."

He hung up. Dabi looked disappointed.

"Can you please just take me back to where you picked me up?" I looked at my hands in my lap feeling embarrassed.

He put his hand on mine, "It's not your fault. Let's head there now so you don't get in more trouble." I looked at him in his eyes and with his smile I couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you for understanding."

"Hey it's no big deal, we still on for tomorrow?"

I smiled again as we pulled out of the car park, "Of course. Formal attire right?"

"That's right kitten." He held my hand after he put the car into drive and we just listened to soft music all the way back to the park.

He dropped me off and kissed me one last time before I got out of the car. I waved goodbye and he pulled away. I walked back home flustered.

Unfortunately as soon as I walked in the front door, Father was waiting for me.

"Y/n," fuck me. Here comes the lecture, "Please try to keep an eye on the clock. If this happens again, you'll be back to having a guard out with you every time you leave the house."

"Yes Father." I hung my head and began to walk to my room. As I passed him, he ripped my head backward and inspected my neck.

He saw the marks Dabi had left, "Use protection." He dropped my head and went to go to his study. I ran back to my room before I ran into Tomura and slammed my door and ran into the bathroom.

"Oh you fucking asshole." I saw the trail he left on my neck. I ripped off my clothes and hopped into the shower again. "I am so going to kill him."

I went to put my clothes in the hamper when I felt something crinkle in the pants pocket. It was the piece of paper Hawks gave me with his number on it.

I added his contact in my phone and texted him.

'Hey it's Alice'

'Hey bunny<3'

'I had a great time tonight. Maybe we could hang out again next week?' That should be enough time for these hickies to fade right?

'Of course, just tell me what day you have in mind and I'll tell my agency I can't come in that day.'

'You got it'

'Goodnight bunny'


Another text came through

'Hey kitten'

'Hey pretty boy'



'Did you get into a lot of trouble?'

'Well my father saw the massacre you left on my neck and he just sent me to my room'

'Aren't you a grown ass woman?'

'Yeah but under his roof, under his rule.'

'Fuck controlling fathers. Actually just straight up fuck fathers. They are the worst.'


'Get some sleep kitten'

'You got it pretty boy'



I drifted off to sleep and slept without nightmares for the first time in a long time.

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