"We were studying the fairy connection, you remember our conversation about cold iron," Regulus reminded.

"We're tripping, not forgetful or stupid," Bellatrix grumbled.

"You two really should trip more."

"If their minds are anymore expanded they may bloody fall out of them," Rodolphus snickered.

Bellatrix's lips twitched, but she kept her frown in place for the most part...The one she was still directing at Regulus.

"Or they could expand them in a more useful way," she replied to Rod, who nodded.

"That could randomly happen, I suppose."

Regulus shot Rod an annoyed scowl.

"Are you lot going to listen or not?"

"Yes, yes, listening right now," Rodolphus assured hurriedly, gesturing for Regulus to go on.

"Well, Griphook was helping us discover more about elf capabilities through giving Kreacher a way to practice."

"Which has what to do with elf enslavement? How does that connect to fairies," Bellatrix wanted to know.

As she basically appeared lucid, Regulus chose to connect the dots for her.

"If elves are so powerful that they are indeed, as my Mum's shade suspects, among the ranks of the fae, how were they enslaved and by whom is a worthy question. We've attempted to study the slave bond to see how it works, and how it could've been forged in order to study how it could've been made, because if elves are so much stronger than us, which they obviously are, how did we manage to enslave them? How could anyone?"

Rod and Rabastan nodded sagely, but Bellatrix leaned forward in her chair, gaze suddenly intense.

"It sounds like a matter of blood magic to me."

Regulus shrugged.

"We've played about with that but come up with nothing."

He understood her rational, as to enslave anyone had to involve some of the darkest magic, and blood magic was generally always quite dark. The Dark Mark which allowed Voldemort to track them as well as control where they all apparated when he summoned them, was a nicely done bit of blood magic, after all.

"Not the simple basic kind," Bellatrix insisted, shaking her head.

"I'm speaking of the genetic sort. A deeper familial link that could, under the right circumstances, make a person easier to control."

"Elaborate," Regulus invited, quite intrigued now.

"Your and Kreacher's nasty relationship made me think of it...Just now, but still," Bella said excitedly.

"Go on," Regulus prompted dryly, opting to ignore her comment about their relationship being nasty.

"If long long ago a male elf and human lady shagged, and made a baby, it would have the blood of both. If that baby was given the wizarding family name and made to marry a human wizard, eventually the resulting...let's say grandchildren would appear fully human again. They would Appear fully human, but still have elf blood in them, thus in the family line. The elf would be linked to the family by blood as would any of his relatives."

"Making it easier to control them with blood magic," Regulus exclaimed, and Bellatrix nodded.

"Yes! They could even curse their own blood line, careful to be specific so that only the elves were affected. Blood curses are some of the most difficult to break, after all. The elves who had nothing to do with the situation, if related to the original shagging elf, would still be affected, so many elves could be enslaved to that family."

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