Chapter 52

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Regulus and Kreacher were invited to a New Year's Eve party at Adler Manor. New years eve was always special to Regulus, considering that was the night he and Kreacher had their first, if accidental kiss. Regulus dressed for the occasion in formal black robes and tall black boots while Kreacher wore one of his new Christmas outfits consisting of a black velvet tunic and tall fur lined boots.

The elf cut quite the dashing figure, but when Regulus told him so, Kreacher only frowned, mild resentment coming off him in passive aggressive waves.

"It doesn't matter who made the bloody clothes, Kreacher," Regulus said in open exasperation.

"My buying them and you wearing them doesn't make us bloody Muggle Lovers! It makes us efficient. I was able to get you nice things without risking anyone noticing that I am back and you still got nice things for bleeding Christmas even though I could not go holiday shopping the traditional way!"

Kreacher's scowl deepened.

"Kreacher did not need anything for Christmas. Having Master Regulus back is gift enough for Kreacher."

Regulus frowned right back.

"Well I wanted to give you things, so I did. They are nice things, and you deserve nice things. The fabric would be the same no matter who stitched it, so get over it. No Muggle will ever touch your new things again ever. And if you need to purify them, just put some sort of strengthening magic on them so they won't wear out for ages or something. Then they'll have elf magic on them which should cleanse any Muggle taint."

Kreacher's lips twitched so Regulus smiled as well. Though the entire situation was ridiculous, it was somewhat expected. That didn't stop Regulus from wanting Kreacher to get over it nonetheless.

"Kreacher will consider that," the elf said slowly.

"Good," Regulus said, giving a smile of relief.

"Now let's get to Wolfgang's before we're late to the party."

"Very well," Kreacher said, taking Regulus's hand and apparating them from their bed chamber at Doge's to the front door of Adler Manor.

Millicent opened to their knock, and gave them a warm smile of greeting.

"Regulus! Kreacher! It's so good to see both of you. Come in. Kreacher you look grand in your new clothes!"

Kreacher was unable to keep a brief frown from his face, but it only lasted an instant before he was smiling at Millicent and murmuring shyly afew words that sounded a lot to Regulus's vampiricly enhanced hearing like thank you.

Millicent ushered them inside to be greeted by soft warm lighting, bright holiday decorations and the sound of cheerful holiday music turned down low so that everyone could still hear properly to converse. Many of the guests were already present. The party was mostly in the parlor. There were two long tables lined up against the far wall filled with party food, and Regulus led Kreacher over directly.

"Eat something," he said, bending to kiss the elf's cheek.

"It all looks delicious, and I am certain no Muggle touched any of it."

Kreacher frowned, but the expression gave way to a grin nearly at once.

"Master Regulus!"

Grinning back, Regulus gently pushed Kreacher toward the refreshments. The elf regarded the spread thoughtfully before taking a stuffed olive.

"Yes do have some of those before my owl and I eat them all," Severus chuckled.

He had a glass of wine in one hand, and the large white owl in question sat on his shoulder. From the man's relaxed demeanor, it was evident he was enjoying the wine. That was good. He deserved to relax for a change, Regulus thought.

The Search Is OverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora