Chapter 27

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Chapter 27: Our Destinies Are One

The past hour or so felt very much like a dream to Regulus. Though he had chosen to return home of his own volition, the fact he sat on the floor of the front hall at 12 Grimmauld Place, actually holding Kreacher in his arms felt entirely unreal. That wasn't exactly logical, he knew. Had he not expected to find Kreacher or had he expected the elf to turn him away? In truth he had no idea. It was just that he'd imagined and longed for this for so long, it was difficult to process that it was actually happening. He was here with his friend again. Kreacher did not hate him. He was even extremely happy to have Regulus back home!

"I love you so much," he said, holding Kreacher close. As it had for the past hour, his gaze devoured the elf, drinking him in while silently assuring himself that this was real. "Please, never leave my side again for any reason ever!" It struck his heart how old Kreacher now looked. Elves lived longer than wizards and Kreacher wasn't much older than Regulus so he shouldn't look so worn and tired. It was all Regulus's fault, and he hated himself for that.

"Kreacher promises...but he was not the one who left," the elf said quietly.

"I know," Regulus said. "But I commanded you to leave me in the cave and I was stupid. I wanted to spare you having to deal with that again and look what happened. You were the wise one. You knew how it should be done and I did not listen. In my attempt to spare you pain I only gave you more."

Kreacher looked up at Regulus, expression surprised then cautiously pleased. "Does Master Regulus mean it? That he will listen to Kreacher from now on?"

"Yes," Regulus said without a second of hesitation. He shuddered, lowering his head to rest against Kreacher's own. "Gods I ruin everything I touch. I don't know how I can ever make this up to you."

"Master Regulus does not," Kreacher objected in a whisper, raising his hand to touch Regulus's cheek.

"We have so much to catch up on," Regulus said, unable to look away from his friend. "Shall we go into the sitting room?"

Kreacher hesitated, then nodded. "Kreacher is afraid he has not kept the place up as he should. He was a bad elf. A sad tired elf who lost everyone he loved. It hurt too much to make the place beautiful for no one else to see. He is sorry."

"Oh Kreacher! You have nothing to apologize for," Regulus assured firmly. "I can't say enough that it was all my fault. While I was just as miserable these past eighteen years, I was the one who inadvertently caused it all while you were completely innocent. The upkeep of the manor is the least of what matters. But what of Mother? Didn't she mind the house not being looked after?"

Kreacher blinked. "Master Regulus does not know," he murmured, expression showing sudden distress.

"Know what," Regulus asked and Kreacher hesitated for a long moment before slowly replying.

"Master Regulus's mother died in nineteen-eighty-five."

"But wasn't Voldemort dead then," Regulus asked through his shock and disbelief. "How? What happened?"

Kreacher shook his head, face full of old grief as he recalled the event for Regulus. "The Dark Lord was indeed dead then, but Kreacher does not know how the Mistress died. She was...ur...actually she was here on the floor when Kreacher found her. He summoned the Aurors when he realized she was cold and lifeless." As he spoke, Kreacher pointed to the end of the hall closest to the library door to indicate where he'd found Regulus's Mum.

Regulus was numb with shock, joy temporarily quashed at this dreadful news. "But if it wasn't Voldemort who did it, what could've happened?"

Kreacher shook his head. "Kreacher has always wondered that. The Ministry never drew any true conclusions from their investigation, but Kreacher does not feel they tried very hard," the elf said darkly.

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