Chapter 136

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At Griphook's request, Kreacher spent the next two hours attempting to teach the goblins his method of hollowing out stone to construct rooms. While it was clear to Regulus that Kreacher very much enjoyed having one up on the goblins, it was equally as clear that he didn't want them depending on him for helping them construct homes.

Their first attempts were frankly a bit dangerous as they consisted of a great deal of stone exploding quite like shrapnel when the goblins attempted to hollow out rooms in the way Kreacher did. This caused Kreacher to hastily decide that perhaps there were better methods for goblins.

He had them show him again how they normally went about it, then taught them a charm that duplicated the work three fold, allowing them to cut stone far faster. Though not as fast as his own method, it would cut the time of construction considerably. That done, he and Regulus departed, eager for some alone time at home to celebrate Kreacher's success with earth magic.

That private moment was to be put on hold, however, because the Lestranges were waiting...rather loudly in the library for them.

"Can you just imagine," Bellatrix was shrieking with laughter as Kreacher and Regulus entered the room.

"Lucy's face if..."

She broke off when her wild eyes registered the two standing in the doorway.

"Oh hi! We've been waiting for you. We were tripping and decided to come visit."

Regulus blinked, uncertain of the association reached for them to draw that conclusionary urge. It had been a rather long, involved evening if quite informative and useful, and now they were to deal with hallucinogenic ridden Lestranges?

Taking the whole thing in stride, Kreacher grinned, moving ahead of Regulus into the room.

"Good. Kreacher was planning to invite the Lestranges to dinner soon at any rate. He wishes to share his latest news of interest."

"News of interest," Rabastan asked.

Kreacher nodded as he settled into the large arm chair he and Regulus usually shared. With a shrug, Regulus pushed the library door shut behind him to hopefully save the four elves in their employ from being traumatized, then went to join Kreacher. He was already telling the Lestranges of how he'd helped to make rooms for a new apartment being constructed under Gringotts.

"It's to study how much Kreacher can do with earth magic and where his aptitudes lie in such areas," he explained.

"He was very nervous in case he got it all wrong, but he was better at it than the goblins," he crowed in obvious delight, and Regulus felt himself beaming in pride at his beloved's accomplishment.

"That is pretty bad ass," Rabastan admitted. Bella and Rod nodded.

"I'm just glad he's thinking more about expanding his talents outside of the bloody home," Regulus said.

Kreacher shot an annoyed frown in his direction.

"Kreacher has been working outside of the home with Blaise and Gellert for some time. Has Master Regulus forgotten, Kreacher wonders?"

"Of course not," Regulus said.

"Just the more you do to realize the greatness I always saw in you the better."

"We've been trying to understand the mechanism behind elf enslavement for some time," he told the Lestranges, wondering exactly how hard they were tripping and if they were able to follow the conversation. Then again they always claimed that for them, when they tripped, they tended to delve into expanding their magical knowledge and understanding. Regulus was certainly no expert. He'd only seen them trip once, after all, before everything had gone to hell, when they were all still young and relatively innocent.

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