Chapter 40

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After dinner, Wolfgang suggested that Regulus and Kreacher come with him to get the invisibility cloak so that they would know where he lived for future meetings. Like any other group, Wolfgang and those who worked with him had meetings, but they were held at Adler's home, a thing the Dark Lord had never done. Regulus had no idea where Voldemort had even lived back in the day. Adler's openness made him like and trust the man even more.

Before they departed Hogwarts, Regulus promised to return tomorrow evening to see what news Albus had from his friend. He assured the Headmaster that he and Kreacher would be alright at Dora's for one more night. Albus relented, seemingly with some reservations, but with Ms. Karkaroff determinedly clinging to his arm, he appeared a bit distracted.

Regulus and Kreacher walked with Wolfgang and Millicent out of the school and across the grounds. Wolfgang and Millicent lit the way with their wands, which Kreacher seemed to appreciate. This only served to remind Regulus exactly how long it had been that he'd actually required light. Noticing such things could definitely make him feel less human, but he supposed he didn't mind. The trade of abilities wasn't something to complain about, after all.

Not requiring light to see wasn't a bad thing, even if it made him feel different from those around him. Having to avoid the sun could make things inconvenient when dealing with non-vampires, but everyone seemed to appreciate his unique abilities and even value him for them.

For this reason, he wasn't nearly as uncomfortable with the difference as he'd expected to be in this return to his old life. Not to mention, when he was alone with Kreacher and in the elf's arms, he felt exactly as he had before having to flee all he'd ever known. Kreacher always caused his heart to race and could have him melting with desire with a simple touch.

"So do you play with computers, Regulus," Millicent asked. The young woman's question jarred Regulus from his pleasant thoughts and he started slightly.

"Sorry, what?"

"You said at dinner that you hid among the Muggles with your maker. While there were you exposed to the Internet and did you find it useful?"

"I am aware of it, but I never had an interest myself," Regulus replied.

"What is the Internet," Kreacher asked, looking between Millicent and Regulus.

"It is the latest way that Muggles share information," Regulus replied.

Millicent nodded. "The Internet is a global network of computers that works much like the postal system, only at sub-second speeds. And you can also buy stuff."

"But what is a computer," Kreacher asked with a frown.

"Um...It's a...It might be easier if I just showed you mine," Millicent replied as they reached the edge of the grounds. "It's at Wolfgang's."

"Kreacher would look at this computer," the elf said, nodding.

Wolfgang side apparated Regulus and Kreacher. They arrived at the same time as Millicent, all standing together on the stone stoop of a large sprawling manor.

"We're just outside of London," Wolfgang said. "Welcome to Adler Manor."

"Thank you," Regulus said, suddenly humbled by the trust so quickly extended to him. He knew it was likely a result of the endorsements of Albus and Severus, but that didn't make it mean any less.

"My computer is in the library," Millicent said as Wolfgang flicked his wand at the door in several complex unlocking patterns. Regulus was impressed by the man's work, as he couldn't even see the hex locks that were obviously in place. Any would-be burglar wouldn't see them either and as such would run into a nasty surprise.

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