"I'd invite you into my parlor for tea first, but the ceiling is too low for Regulus to be comfortable not to mention vampires don't drink tea."

"So you obviously don't need the carts to get around," Regulus stated.

"I always wondered if you had anti-apparating blocks to keep criminals from escaping with stolen money."

Griphook nodded.

"Indeed. You can't apparate in and out of here or even from floor to floor, but we can."

"Can elves," Regulus asked.

The alertly curious look on his face was absolutely beautiful to Kreacher. How he'd missed seeing that lively avid interest in his Regulus's blue eyes. All too often after his return he was deeply melancholic or worse, so now Kreacher found himself drinking in the moment, savoring it as he once had food. This was nearly like a moment trapped in time, a moment with the Regulus who hadn't yet had his heart broken by life.

"No," Griphook said.

"Not even elves can apparate in and out of Gringotts. Unlike Hogwarts, it is truly the safest place on earth," the goblin cackled.

"Or at least it has the tightest security!"

"It's indeed impressive," Regulus complimented.

"I had no idea there was a way to block elf apparation."

"It's all about the magical signature," Griphook explained.

"It's putting the signature on the spell that only ones with (THIS) can get in and out and everyone else is blocked. In the case of Gringotts the magical signature is goblin. Even the humans who work here have to be manually let in and out by us and they must use the carts to move about floors."

"That's logical," Regulus said with an appreciative nod.

"It's nothing personal against the elves, mind," Griphook said, turning to Kreacher.

"Just their rubbish masters could order them to come and steal money."

"I certainly wouldn't put that at all past some wizards," Regulus said with a nod.

"But wizarding families with elves are already rich," Kreacher objected.

"Why would they bother?"

"Many reasons," Griphook said.

"They could always get richer. Or they could wish to weaken a rival by robbing them of their wealth."

Kreacher nodded. He'd never considered it, but yes, if given the opportunity, he could certainly imagine wizards stealing from one another even if they didn't need the money, simply to lay a rival low.

"I can't believe we're standing here chattering when the two of you should be plundering my books," Griphook said.

Rolling his eyes heavenward, the goblin clutched dramatically at his chest.

"It's beginning to frighten me. Look at the books!"

Regulus and Kreacher chuckled, automatically linking hands as they moved to approach the first bookshelf nearest the door. Starting at the beginning and remaining methodical meant they wouldn't accidentally overlook anything.

"We had to take the rare opportunity to learn Gringott's secrets," Regulus explained with a chuckle.

"You are among the few non-goblins now aware, so don't go spreading the word or else," Griphook said.

"Of course not," Kreacher assured, raising up on his toes to scan the titles of a shelf just over his head.

"Why does Griphook have a parlor whose ceiling is too low for Master Regulus, but a library with shelves taller than those at Hogwarts," he wondered peevishly.

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