"(HER)," Kreacher snickered.

"Should Kreacher appear as a girl to play the joke out?"

Regulus considered for a moment, then laughed.

"Yes, that would be fun! What sort of girl shall you pose as?"

Kreacher frowned."Whatever sort of girl Master Regulus would imagine Kreacher to be, he thinks. Tomorrow Master Regulus can imagine Kreacher as a human girl and he will look into Master Regulus's mind and take that form."

Regulus grinned.

"Well as I've never imagined you as a girl before...ever, it shall definitely give me something to consider for the rest of today."

That consideration was more difficult than one might expect. Regulus first asked himself what sort of girl he'd find attractive, but that didn't help. He could find many types of girls attractive in an abstract sense, but not in a way that connected to him.

Not in a way that made him want to be physical with them. No pretty girl or woman made him feel electric when they looked at him in the way Kreacher did. No man had either, so he seriously doubted he and Kreacher were even normal gays.

They were just always so damned close that sharing everything felt most natural. That thought sparked the idea that finally helped him choose a female form for Kreacher. He imagined a girl looking at him the way Kreacher did, and then let her take form in his mind. She was of average height, so a little shorter than he was, with soft light brown hair a bit past her shoulders. It was wavy, and her face was heart shaped. She was slender and her eyes looked like Kreacher's eyes.

"When you do it, leave your eyes the same," he told Kreacher.

"Why," Kreacher asked curiously.

"It will show Mag and Severus that it's you, and I'd enjoy it far more if your eyes were the same. If you look like someone else I still want to see you."

Kreacher shrugged.

"As Master Regulus wishes."

He grinned suddenly, bouncing up in the chair in which he was curled to read.

"But in case Kreacher's eyes do not give it away, we should play with them for a little just for Kreacher's amusement. Kreacher will need a name."

Regulus shrugged.

"Very well, what name would you like?"

Kreacher frowned consideringly.

"What does Master Regulus think of Echidna."

Regulus felt a slow smile spreading across his face.

"A formidable Greek female Monster? That's absolutely perfect!"

Kreacher chuckled happily.

"Kreacher thought so as well. She would be suitable for Master Regulus."

When she heard of the plan later that evening, Kereston offered to lend Echidna a dress. As Echidna would be taller, Kereston suggested that Kreacher work an enlargement charm on the dress to make it fit properly.

When he gratefully agreed, she offered to lend him shoes as well. When he and Regulus showed up at Shimmer to meet Severus and Mag, Kreacher looked quite the put together young woman. The green dress from Kereston was simple and the black ballet flats set it off to perfection.

They stood just inside the restaurant, waiting for Mag and Severus to arrive. As they waited, Kreacher kept reaching up to touch his soft brown hair in mild wonder. He'd surprised Regulus by opting for transfiguration rather than a simple illusion, and he was experiencing the human form with a nearly starry eyed fascination.

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