Chapter Twenty-Two.

Beginne am Anfang

I need everything to stop. I force my legs to walk faster. I need to get out of town, I can't stay here. Not when I could lose control at any moment. Fire is brewing inside me. My magic is slamming against the walls I have carefully built. The walls will crumble.

I need to get out. Out of this body. This skin. This life. I need everything to stop. I can't lose control. Everything is fine. I'm fine. I won't lose control. Yeah no, I don't believe my own bullshit. Breathe. I need to breathe, don't let go of the magic. Don't let it out. Just breathe, everything is fine. "You know that girl about five blocks down? She pissed me off so I think she should be next."

My hearing picks up a males voice, from the house I'm behind. I stop moving. "Oh her? She's a pretty little thing. I wouldn't mind hitting that." Another male says, my jaw locks and my magic raises up. I shove it down.

"We could grab her tonight. I don't have anything better to do." A third voice responds to the other two. Fuck me.

"You remember the first bitch we fucked together?" A male voice asks, it's different from the first three. It's coming from the house beside the first.

"Oh yeah, wasn't it the blonde who, wouldn't stop screaming?" Fire burns in my chest, I hope they're not talking about I think they are.

"Yeah, she was like 'it hurts! It hurts! I don't want this! Please stop!' Oh that one got us started on hunting females for sport." I see red as I pick up another conversation.

"Yeah there's a little boy who hangs around the back ally, by himself. We should get him next, since we got a female last time. I want a boy." Smoke comes out of my nose as the male speaks.

"Well how old is he? You know I can't get off unless they're under ten." My eye twitches as my magic raises inside of me. Fire and ash heat my blood.

"I've seen the boy. He's about eight. A little too skinny for my taste." Fucking hell.

My throat feels like I've choked on ash. Anger burns through me, must hold it in. Three males. In each house. Nine males all together. My entire body is shaking. My magic roars in my ears, crap. I don't think I can keep it locked down. Blue lines of fire run down my arms, I lock my jaw. Shit. Not here. Not now.

'Eh we fucked up. We're about to blow.'

'Shut it Shadow.'

Fire races out of my body, I watch in horror as it consumes the three houses and rages around me.

'We're gonna pass out.'

'Again shut it Shadow.'

My fire wraps around my body and my vision blurs and I hit the ground. Fuck me.


I wake in a cell. What. The. Fuck? I go to stand but chains stop me. What the fuck happened? I look around, I can't see anyone. What happened?

'We fucked up, remember? We hung onto the magic too long. We burned three houses to the ground along with nine people in them. Granted they were dicks but still. We passed out and got caught.'

Shadow informs me. She's back?

'Well shit. So I'm guessing we're in a Royal holding cell?'

'I would assume so, yes.'

Rebel replies. God it's strange to hear them after not hearing them for over a year.

Fight me. I dare you. 1.5Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt