Chapter Three - Seduction

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Chapter Three


The two sat in the cafeteria because now it was peak time for students to get lunch and most of the third years flooded in to eat. Hiyori sat beside Ayanokoji and watched perceptively as he ordered her to, she was lost in why she had to do what she was about to do, but still complied purely driven by her gut feeling.

He pulled out his phone and opened the app where you could see all the students' IDs and faces, written with their basic information. Looking for a class A student, he darted his eyes about the hall and matched the face with the photo. A regular, black-haired boy who had tired eyes and a bored demeanor, picked up his lunch tray and went to take a seat.

Without thought, Hiyori bounced forth and zipped over to him as Ayanokoji sat by and looked away from her while sipping on tea.

"Senpai..." she looked up to him with sparkling eyes and sat down with him, rubbing shoulders with his. His name went by Hiro and so she addressed him by his first name, "H-Hiro."

He was definitely flustered by her actions but turned his head away from her glamorous eyes, ignoring her attempts to beat on his heart.

"How do you know me?" he asked.

"I'm new to this school and... I was scrolling through my phone and I saw you... I don't know but senpai, you give off a silent but deadly aura," she replied as he chuckled.

"Is it? So? You're brave talking to the third years so casually."

"I just want some older friends because I'll be honest..." she rubbed shoulders with his constantly as she spoke, "there aren't any strong boys in Year One but they all try to hit on me and... I'm just not into them."

He snickered, "Really?"

"Mmm, and now we've got this exam with the third years, I feel like they're going to make fun of me," she moaned to him while gradually getting closer. She triggered his lust instantly as he began to open up to her and feel though as if she was interested in him. She knew that seduction was the greatest weapon, if used correctly, it could take a woman anywhere. The human heart was delicate and if handled carefully, you could seep in through the cracks.

"Oh, yeah I've heard of that exam. Us Class A's or B's aren't competing in this exam though. Only C and D. We're at the top, there's no point of us competing with the bottom," he awkwardly laughed, "what class are you in?"

She gave one last smile, "A."

No longer interested in what he had to say, she dashed out of her seat and trodded off into the distance and just as she did so, Ayanokoji caught her from the corner of his eye and followed her to the hallway.

"I heard enough," he said to her when she looked back, rubbing her forehead.

"I did well there didn't I?" she said.

"Almost too well."

Part Two

A lesson passed and Hiyori had left me since I had ordered for her to do some other things for a while and now, I was off to look for Ryuuen since I had messaged him during lesson time with Chabashira Sensei letting me off even though she caught me.

I had arrived at a remote location, behind a building in a dark alleyway and the sun was already dipping into the horizon when we met. I could see the glare of the beams reflecting off his eye with the flame dancing in his pupil. Since it was winter, the days ended extremely early so it was already getting dark and even something like that could have been used to my advantage.

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