ヒーロー Hero

Start from the beginning

The teacher dismissed us after a final few notes I didn't copy down- instead, I shuffled out of the classroom and blended in with the other students in the hallways.

I craned my neck amongst the sea of students crowding the condensed hallway, trying to spot a familiar blonde head amongst the sea of black or brown haired people.

But, the head I did seem to notice bobbed up and down enthusiastically, while peering from the top of other heads as well.


She cupped her hands to make her voice louder amidst idle chatting between others in the hall.

I stuck up my hand and waved to her to signal that I did hear her, and that I was coming over.

"Kameko-chan! Where were you yesterday? You were almost late to class!"

Amari-san scolded me while squeezing through multiple people, as we met in the middle of the chaos.

"Huh? Ah- I-I was just buying something from the store, and ran a bit late."

I pathetically made up a fake excuse and lied directly into the big, hazel eyes that adorned Amari-san's face like a doe.

"Geez, you could have at least asked me to get you something!"

She pouted and fixated a clump of long, blonde hair onto her left shoulder. Her eyes shone with a flash of childish disappointment.

Those big... hazel eyes.

Big, hazel..

Hazel eyes..

"Oi, Kameko-chan?"

My orbs widened and pupils dilated in shock as my breath hitched directly into my throat upon gazing at a pair of sharp, chocolately colored eyes that belonged to someone other than Amari-san.


A more girly tone exclaimed, snapping me out of the trance I was fixed in for a short while.

I stammered and rubbed my eyes furiously, making my thick glasses crooked upon my nose while trying to rid myself of the thought that just occurred.

"Oooi, are you feeling well today? You seem totally out of it."

Amari-san inquired and led me outside to the benches. She turned her head slightly to catch a glimpse of me laggardly following behind her quick footsteps.

"Just a bit sick. I'll maybe take something when I get home."

I reply with an uneasy tone. Should I ask Amari-san where you could get medicine for weird hallucinations?

"Hm. Well, if you need anything, leave it to me!"

A bright smile adorned her face as we both sat down on a nearby bench, cooled by a tree shading the area below us.

"Ah! By the way.. I have something interesting to show you!"

She giddily giggled with a devious expression dancing through her face.

I glanced at her worriedly while unwrapping my bento box and picking up my chopsticks.


She sang, after some fishing around in her pocket to build suspense, the blonde girl whipped out a cell phone.

"Your.. Phone?"

I ask, puzzled as to what was so interesting about her device. Nothing new happened to it, after all. It's still pink, the same phone company, the same ch-

ため野矢の: Because of NoyaWhere stories live. Discover now