"Oh my bloody Gods, he has issues because we told him that he was not allowed to start his old shit up again when we broke him out of Nurmengard," Millicent said.

The tall dark haired young woman had come up behind Wolfgang and stood peering over his shoulder.

"I don't know what he logically expected," she went on, frowning darkly. "Likely he wanted us to become immediate acolytes or at least beg on bended knee for his help. Well we gave him bloody youth and freedom, so I think that's a bloody fair trade for his bloody help."

Regulus nodded, trying hard not to smile. "That sounds reasonable."

"How do Millicent Bulstrode and Wolfgang Adler know that Gellert Grindelwald does not like them, though," Kreacher asked curiously.

"Well he never seems to wish to be in our company for long, and when he is, he does not appear to be overly comfortable," Wolfgang said.

"Not to mention his man asked what we'd done to terrorize him or some such rubbish," Millicent scoffed, giving her head a disgusted shake.

"I mean! Come on," Millicent continued, waving her hands expressively. "He's Gellert Bloody Grindelwald! How's he going to be terrorized by us? I mean we haven't held back forty Aurors all by our little selves...At least not yet anyway."

As she spoke, Millicent's lips twitched and Wolfgang gave a low chuckle as he began leading everyone down the hall toward the library.

"He does have some impressive feats under his belt," Regulus agreed of Grindelwald. Miss Bulstrode was correct. It was indeed difficult to picture anyone with the credentials to successfully terrorize Grindelwald...Other than perhaps several armies, that was.

"Why would he come here if he doesn't like you," he asked curiously.

"Because as we did free him, he does owe us the help he promised," Wolfgang said. "At times, this help involves he and I working privately on various projects. Currently for defense and spying."

"Anything I can help with," Regulus asked. The more he could do against Voldemort the better.

"Perhaps," Wolfgang said thoughtfully. "Perhaps you should be here the next time we get together." He chuckled. "I, for one, would certainly find the company more reassuring. He will be here next Wednesday at seven in the evening, if you are able to make it?"

Regulus gave an eager nod. He was not only glad to help, but also interested to know the intriguing Gellert Grindelwald a bit better.

"We'll be here! If I can't contribute, perhaps Kreacher can. He is quite brilliant."

"Master Regulus is the brilliant one, Kreacher murmured, blushing slightly at the praise in which he obviously basked.

"I have my skills but so do you," Regulus said.

Wolfgang nodded. "I am sure. Kreacher we would be grateful for anything you can contribute. It was an elf, who with the aid of his master, Mr. Zabini, was instrumental in freeing Grindelwald from Nurmengard. I have a high respect for elf magic and the abilities of smart elves to use it."

"Elf magic is plentiful enough, but the smart elves, not so much," Kreacher said darkly.

Wolfgang gave an appreciative chuckle.

"I actually came to speak with Millicent on a private matter," Regulus said as they reached the library. "It's about her computer...and she can tell you after we're gone, Wolfgang," he added, not wishing to appear rude. The two were obviously a couple and the last thing Regulus wanted was for it to appear he was coming on to Wolfgang's lady.

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