Chapter 20

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Dora frowned, obviously not fully comprehending Regulus's words. In truth, Regulus's own knowledge was lacking due to the fact that Death Phoenixes were so little known. For this reason, he couldn't clarify further. Turning his attention back to the bird instead, he studied it in open fascination. Though he didn't particularly excel at reading avian expressions, he had the distinct feeling the bird was equally fascinated with him for whatever reason.

"Hello there," he greeted the Death Phoenix softly. "Kreacher didn't send you, did he?"

Though Regulus wasn't truly expecting an answer, the bird shook his head slowly in negation. Wondering who else could've sent the bird to him made Regulus's blood run suddenly cold.

"Did Voldemort send you?"

The phoenix's head shake was more vigorous this time and it ruffled its feathers in what Regulus got the impression was mildly offended disapproval.

"Sorry...It's just that...I've never seen a phoenix like you before and...well who did send you? Can you tell me?"

Dora watched on in avid fascination as the bird merely stared at him. Regulus searched his brain for another yes or no question that could help to clarify the situation. "Did anyone send you?"

The bird shook its head. Then it opened its beak and gave another musical trill much like the one it had sung when first landing upon Regulus's shoulder. This time, however, Regulus received mental images from the bird seemingly within the sound. Without needing words he understood suddenly that the bird had come to him of its own free will. The bird had noticed him as a new wizard vampire and was drawn to Regulus's courage and strength. At that, Regulus found himself blinking back tears at the shocking validation from a complete stranger. He wasn't so sure that he felt particularly brave or strong at the moment, but if this rare and stately bird believed he was it somehow meant something. "Thank you," he said softly. The bird trilled again and Regulus understood the phoenix to be saying that he was male and that his name was Mortis. The name seemed fitting for a Death Phoenix, Regulus thought. "I am Regulus Arcturus Black," he said, feeling it was only fitting to share his name in return. "This is Dora, my maker," he added, when the bird turned his head to regard the other vampire with bright curious black eyes. "Dora, this is Mortis."

Dora nodded to the bird. "Nice to meet you," she said, and Mortis responded with a single graceful nod. "Were you able to understand what he said through his song," Regulus asked Dora. She shook her head. Regulus wondered if this meant he and the bird had a personal connection for some reason or if the communication between them was more on a magical level than a vampiric one. He'd heard of phoenixes coming to certain wizards, but the only one he knew of personally was Albus Dumbledore.

"Have you come to stay with me or only to visit," Regulus asked the bird. Mortis opened his beak and gave another soft trill through which Regulus understood that he wished to remain with Regulus if he was amenable. Awed and humbled, Regulus hastily nodded.

"Thank you. I would like that very much," he said. He wondered if he would be able to work new forms of magic with the phoenix or if the relationship they would have would simply be companionable. He knew that once his hunger was satisfied he would think quite a lot about the black phoenix and have many questions for the bird. The fact Mortis was even here in the first place was one of the most thrilling events in Regulus's life, and he looked forward to feeling more deeply about it once the hunger loosened its grip on him and Kreacher was at his side once more. Mortis trilled again, prompting him to get on with the process of feeding. The tone was encouraging and yet polite, as if excusing a friend to converse after a task was completed.

"He understands that I must feed now and we will converse more back at home," Regulus explained to Pandora, suddenly recalling that she could not understand the phoenix's trills as he could. "He wishes to remain with me and he has come to me of his own volition."

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