Kreacher's arm slid around his back and Regulus returned the embrace. Kreacher's free hand came up to tangle in Regulus's shoulder length black hair as if to draw his head even closer to his own if such were possible. The touch made Regulus suddenly want things on a primal level that almost shocked him. Almost because at present the great need that overwhelmed his senses trumped any amount of shock he was also experiencing. A single kiss had turned into three or four. Of course both were a bit drunk, but not drunk enough to claim that they didn't know what they were doing. Regulus knew this wasn't wise to say the least, but his body screamed for more so he kissed Kreacher again.

"Alright, alright! You've proven your point," Janet nearly shouted. "You're the most disgusting. You've won. I'll leave off."

Regulus drew back reluctantly. She'd given him an out and a plausible reason for what he'd done. Only because she believed it, of course, but it would prevent him from sinking into the quicksand of social shame and ostracism.

He shrugged and smirked at her before tossing a casual grin Kreacher's way. "Thanks, Friend."

Kreacher smiled back. "Kreacher is more than pleased to put filthy mudbloods in their place with Master Regulus." As usual, he played along without needing to be told to do so. From a glance down at the obvious tenting of the elf sack he wore, Regulus could see that Kreacher was just as...physically effected by their kiss as was he. Shifting he casually tossed a pillow to the elf, making a show of taking one as well. "We can use them to sit on. It's more comfortable," he said. He was comfortable enough. but shifting positions would hide any unseemly bulges for both of them. Kreacher blinked, then hastily nodded as he began to fuss with the pillow. For the remainder of the party, Regulus just wanted it to be over so that he and Kreacher could retire upstairs to his room and explore...whatever the hell that had been. After everyone finally tired of truth or dare, Regulus put on some music and they all began to dance. All but Regulus and Kreacher that was. Regulus was never really one for dancing, and he wanted to talk to Kreacher besides.

"After this stupid party is over, meet me upstairs right away," he whispered. Kreacher nodded. The night crawled by. The dancing was tedious. The snacks were good because Kreacher had made them, but Regulus wasn't in the mood for food. When they at last rang in the new year, he thanked everyone for coming and claimed he was too tired to party any later into the night.

"That's good," Barnabas Carrow complimented, clapping Regulus on the shoulder. "When we begin serving the dark lord, he likely won't tolerate too much partying, so you're on the right track." He winked and Regulus smiled back. He considered telling Carrow that he may want to get rid of that Muggle born trash if he hoped to serve the dark lord any time soon, but though Regulus meant it as a helpful bit of advice, he doubted Carrow would appreciate it. For that reason he kept his silence, merely wishing everyone a happy new year as they left.

"Let's go," he told Kreacher as the door shut behind the last guest. Kreacher hesitated, biting at his lower lip. The gesture caused Regulus to remember kissing it earlier in the night and his body sang to insistent life.

"Kreacher can't yet," the elf protested. "He has to clean up after the party."

Regulus sighed. Once more stupid chores were disrupting their friendship. He opened his mouth to offer to help, but shut it again. Kreacher always laughed at his attempts to help and ended up redoing most of whatever Regulus did in the way of cleaning. Regulus believed his cleaning spells were just fine but Kreacher said they lacked shine. "It shan't take Kreacher long," the elf promised, reaching out to lightly touch the back of Regulus's hand.

"Alright," Regulus said with a resigned sigh. After glancing around to make sure they were alone in the front hall, he bent to kiss Kreacher again. With no one looking on, the kiss quickly deepened, their tongues tangling as their arms wound around one another. Never had Regulus truly understood hunger until that very moment when he was starving. Of course he'd never expected this thing with Kreacher. It had come about through entirely unforeseen circumstances, but it felt right. He and Kreacher were best friends. They had the same goals, both adored the dark lord and his plans for a better wizarding society. They enjoyed reading the same types of books and studying the same branches of dark magic. Kreacher was the only person who could give Regulus a good bloody game of chess. For years Kreacher was the only person from whom Regulus ever got truly long term stimulating conversation. The elf made him laugh and made him think in ways no one else ever could. With all that considered, this next step perhaps wasn't so truly surprising. Regulus hadn't fancied any of the girls at Hogwarts, but none of the boys either. He had been above such things...until now. Eventually, Regulus forced himself to draw back from Kreacher's warm embrace and intoxicating kisses.

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