Chapter 2

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The wind whistled in her ears as Yuna slowly ascended from the sky, gracefully floating back into existence. Surrounded by the millions-possibly even billions or trillions-of blades of dried grass, the plain seemed to stretch out endlessly in all directions. The strong breeze danced through the sky, rustling the grass ominously.

Suddenly, a loud voice boomed across the sky. "Mic test! Mic test! One, two three! One, two,

"Hello everyone! All the regulars that have made it to the tower, we sincerely welcome you to the second floor, Evankhell's Floor! It is also called the 'Floor of Test' because here we carry out the final test to see whether you are qualified to go up the tower!"

Yuna listened intently. Through her years of training, she learned that the instructor could provide valuable information when giving directions.

"Well. I will explain the details to you later! First, let's start the first test. It's been so long since we warmed up...anyways, it's very simple! I will explain the rules, so listen carefully. The rule for the first test is as follows: there are 400 regulars. Narrow that down to 200! Try every possible means! The test ends once the number of regulars reaches 200. Ready, begin!"

Immediately, the faint, metallic smell of blood wafted through the air, followed by several shrieks and crunches. Yuna shuddered. Blood was a necessary part of life and survival, but the overwhelming indication that it was present unsurfaced many hidden memories. Quickly stuffing them back under her mental blanket of protection, the princess summoned her knives, Thunder, Wind, River, Shadow, and Star, and advanced.

Spotting a large rock protruding from the ground not far from where she spawned in, she crept as silently as possible towards it. However, several regulars desperate for shelter were not as wise, sprinting to the mini-mountain only to be shot down by a sniper based at the top. Gruesome cries of death emitted from many mouths, their bodies crumpling like sacks, folding the brittle plants beneath them.

When she was about twenty yards away, a loud rustle sounded behind Yuna, indicating that someone was attempting to sneak up on her. She snorted, already knowing that an amateurish "hunter" was after her. Without turning around, she grabbed ahold of Thunder's blade and pointed it behind her.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't throw this blade through your heart right now," the white-haired girl demanded with an icy cold voice. "Or I will, and mind you when I say that once my knife releases my hand, it will pierce you no matter how hard you try to dodge. And yes," she said, hearing a swish slightly to her left, "I know that you are trying to move."

It halted as a desperate voice was heard. "W-w-who a-are y-you?" It stuttered, clearly terrified.

Yuna's grip faltered. The voice that called out to her was delicate and soft, unlike any that one would normally hear in the tower. Peeking a glimpse behind her, her features softened slightly as she saw a young blonde girl curled up in the sea of yellow, hands wrapped awkwardly around a sword far too big for her body, her long hair nearly blending into the grass surrounding her. Judging by her appearance, Yuna noted that the girl seemed to be around eleven years old, far too young to be climbing the tower.

Kneeling, she whispered, "Better question. Who are you?" the princess asked, keeping her hostile tone but toning her eyes down so that the child knew that she wasn't going to stab her. Not immediately, anyways.

Intimidated, the blonde backed away. "St-stay away from me!" she cried, loudly. Eyes widening, Yuna rushed to cover the girl's mouth, but it was too late. All ears in the surrounding area could practically be seen perking as they heard a weak, vulnerable voice call out. Thirsty for blood, around a dozen warriors stalked towards the duo.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2022 ⏰

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