Author's Note

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Hi everyone! Thank you all so much for picking up this book! I'm just going to say this now: my writing is really cringy at the start, and this is (technically) my first book on Wattpad. (I deleted my others, lol 😂) So basically, you have been warned that the chapters will be badly written at first.

This fanfic is heavily inspired by Emily_Maxin's books, "Moon Child", "Fallen Star", and "Blue Moon", so if you haven't already, GO READ THEM! They are really good!

I started this fanfic mainly because I couldn't really find any well-written Khun x OC books on Wattpad. Not that I'm saying my writing is good, it's probably way worse, but I am really picky about what I read and I tend to lose focus easily. Actually, I was struggling to find a good plot, and I found that dreams of all things can give REALLY great inspiration. So I was like, 'Great, I have a plot! Time to just write a whole-ass essay for [my character's] plot."

Should I separate the different seasons into different books? I feel like that would make it easier to follow, since the seasons and chapters are long af, but I don't get inspiration easily so...what do you guys think?

Now, onto some warnings and disclaimers:

This is a Khun x OC book. I know that some authors are ok with the readers treating the main character as a reader-insert, but I'm not comfortable with that. When you read, you can change the name and character traits and stuff, but please be mindful in the comments. Most of the stuff that I add will be somehow relevant to future chapters, so don't call me out if I add something that you don't like.

Like I said before, I'm an inexperienced writer, so there will be MANY grammatical mistakes, and maybe some plot ones too. Feel free to point anything out, but please be respectful when doing so. Constructive criticism helps, but not if you're using it as an opportunity to exploit every flaw in my writing.

The main plot and characters does not belong to me. I only own Yuna, any other oc's that you might meet, and any of her/their side quests. Everything else belongs to the Tower of God Webtoons created by SIU and his team.

There will be MANY, MANY spoilers so please, if you haven't, go read the Webtoons or AT LEAST watch the anime. The link for both are in the comments cuz Wattpad is weird and doesn't let you add links to the story. Though, I expect most of you are here because you simp for Khun like I do...whatever 🤷 

I try to keep my update schedule regular (regular, lol), but since I'm still in school, it'll probably get wonky at times. My goal is to update once every 5-10 days, since I still have life, and at least three times per month with another chapter in my drafts.


If you don't know much about Tower of God...well, I don't really either 😏 I started reading about a week ago, and like I do with all of the series I read, I speed run through the first time and then I go back and reread carefully. So feel free to point out any mistakes that I make. However, some of these may be important to the rest of the plot, so if I don't fix it, just treat this fanfic like an AU.

As for information, literally everything I know can be summed up in Emily_Maxin's first chapter of "Moon Child". Again, the link is in the comments.


Character info will be in the chapter titled that! 


Published: 22 August 2022

Make sure you eat, drink water, and SLEEP. Have a good day/night! Feel free to vent on me if there's anything :)


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