"I don't get what's witchy about this footage."

"You done watching it already?"

"Yeah and I didn't shit my pants." I said stating the obvious.

"It's a good thing you've looked at me. Now do you remember who you saw in the footage?" Is he stupid or something? Do I remember? I just watched this shit now and he's asking me stupid questions.

"Do you remember yes or no?" Carson asked more seriously than before.

"Of course I remember. I just watched the shit." I know I'm not supposed to get angry in a case since emotion cloud judgement but he's really annoying me.

"Tell me what you remember."

"It's a footage about. . . A footage . . . It's about. . ." OMG I can't remember anything. How is that possible.

"You see. That's not all. When you check the video again you'll remember but it's not the same thing every footage switches it's places."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Means witches. Dem real bro." Carson said sweat all over his face.

I watched the video again. When I watch the video again. The entire memory of what I watched came back. This Psycho was good. Even though he had this kind off effect he didn't risk anything by exposing his identity.

I now understand what he means by switch places. The cameras displayed completely different things from what I first saw. Completely different scenarios. The first footage I watched he was not armed and both he and the president came together. This time he gave the president a knife while they came in. I played the footage again. They both came to the house separately. I replayed it again. Both of them came in with beer bottles in there hands.

I replay this stuff over twenty times trying to see which one would repeat. Nothing. Rather different scenarios come up. Theirs even a scenario where the president kills himself by stabbing himself with a bottle.

I admit it. Watch this video is useless. If anything it got me scared as hell.

"Any witnesses?" I say when I leave the room after a few minutes of watching the footage. Spotting Carson trying to flirt with Flora. While she looks disgusted by it.

"Everyone else in the building doesn't remember Dr. Axel entering the building. The only person that has a memory of him is his wife Victoria and she just went to the hospital few minutes ago while you were replaying the video on account of a serious headache. So until whenever we see her." Flora said directing her gaze to me. I so tired right now. It's been a long and dramatic day for me.

"Agent Strucker you need to come quick." An officer barged into the room.

Directing me to the room of our dead victim. Disgusting. He's body looks more gross than ten minutes ago.

"He's rapidly degenerating." Samuel Thrones. Top CSI agent and undercover personal. The FBI is really into this stuff for us to be here. "Whatever he was stabbed him is causing the cells to degenerate quickly."

"You think an inhuman did this?"

"I don't have much of an idea when it comes to inhumans so I brought in a specialist. Please welcome Dr. Karen Anderson." She walks through the room majestically with an air of superiority written all around her.

"Twice in one day officer what a coincidence."

"Well lady luck is on my side to grace me with your beauty." I don't know why I said that. I'm not trying to flirt with her cause she's older than me but that actually kinda felt nice to say.

Mind, Speed, Hate The Psycho Where stories live. Discover now