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What do I have today? I got out of the billionaires house and the info I gathered is this.

One, Nathan Audrey is a speedster.

Two. Cassandra Storm, Nathan Audrey, Karen Anderson know something the others don't. My detective sense is kicking on them that hard. They are the key to this case.

Three. The Los Illuminados are involved in this making the Illuminati to be involved in this crime to and I do not like those guys.

Four. The U.S government is either involved in this or there's some shitty dealing underneath the invisible carpet of this case.

Five. Dangerous scientific research conducted causing. . . What sciency word fits this case. . . evolution.

Six. Nathan, Cassandra, Karen, Ava, Sandra and Gabriel Chrisland are all suspects.

Seven. I need to get to someone who knows the Los Illuminados.

Is this getting me any closer to cracking this case. No.

It's doing nothing. There's no concrete source or evidence. All my suspects could deny everything they said to me the next second. Why the fuck is this so complicated?

I pull up at the ex- president's house. Carson sees me and leaves the other people he was explaining shit to.

"Strucker. Come see this. I'm starting to feel like we dealing witches around here." Carson said as he stopped in front of me. He looks exhausted no scratch that he looks frustrated.

We walk amongst the passed the people in the room and the mourning wife into a living room. This is great but it doesn't beat that of Karen's. What did I expect? Two billionaires live in that building. Imagine that. A high school kid that hasn't even started life is already better than me financially. He's living the life.

I've been seeing a lot of dead bodies lately. This more gruesome than the others. I can see the ex- president a knife stabbed through his body. Not only that. The body seems to be decaying. It's not even up to an hour he died and he's decaying. There's a big whole in his stomach. Really disgusting liquid stuff dripping from him.

"Our victim. Ex- president Dr. Axel Howard. Age, forty-five. Grew up here in Tennessee. Studied in Washington. Grew worked as CEO of Howard Machinery and co. Married to Mrs. Victoria Howard on the sixteenth of December 2002. Started he's political ambition the next year. I don't know why I'm even narrating this. "

"The point is that. He's wife said he came back home with a young boy after a good day of work. She said he was acting odd and just went straight to that kitchen and grabbed a knife to stab himself. And she didn't do anything."

"Why would she watch her husband kill herself? Unless she's involved."

"That's what I thought at first but she said when she was about to stop him. She tried to stand up but she got paralyzed all of a sudden."

"Suddenly?" This is happening more often. What is his ability? Paralysis. That doesn't fit the equation correctly. Wait, what if it's not only person but a group while one person is the face? If that's the case a new gang is in the U.S. But it still doesn't make sense. Why would they hunt only a particular set set of people without demanding for any sum of ransom? Are they being paid for? Why would someone have a vendetta against those two families. My detective instinct kicking in again.

"That's not what's weird. Come to the CCTV cameras and see the footage. There's witches in this stuff." He's exaggerating. Right?

When we get to the control room. I'm seeing a cctv footage from different cameras. The psycho tried to hack into the system but failed. Some cameras caught him while others were hacked because he and Mr. President would walk into a room and enter another but the other would be blank showing only the president walking.

Mind, Speed, Hate The Psycho Where stories live. Discover now