Invisible string

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Hi guys!!! This will be the last chapter of the story!!!I litteraly cannot wait!Dan and Magnus are FINALLY gonna confess! 

Get ready to cry your eyes out!!! 

Let's get started!!! 

Enjoy the last chapter <33333 

*Magnus's pov* 

And then... I wake up... 

"Emily?"I mumble only too see a familiar face 

"Who are you?" The boy with a red streak in his hair gasps 

"Magnus... it's me." 

"... Dan Kouzo..." I remember now,the boy I've been crushing on for so long but I'm too scared to tell him 

"Yeah.It's me." 

" I doing here?" I sit up and rub my head,it looks like a hospital

"Ah.Well,a couple months ago Riot was hosting a birthday party and you got involved in a car crash...And I found out you were in a coma."

A coma? 


None of that actually happened.I never saved Emily... 

I laugh even though tears sting my eyes. 

"Magnus...I -i thought you'd never wake up...I missed you so much..." 

I hug Dan 

"I'm here now."I say 

"Let's go.Everyone's waiting for you." 

"What?"I ask  

"The ao have all been waiting for you too wake up!Me especially..."Dan explains 

"Okay then." 

We step outside and my shoes crunch the frost.The wind howls like a hungry wolf.I exhale and a white puff of air appears in front of me.The cold numbs my body and I immediately shiver,and Dan notices. 

He takes of his black puffer jacket and crimson scarf and hands them too me.

"Here Magnus." Dan says 

"But Dan-" 

"It's fine!You need it more than I do." He insists  

So I put them on.The sleeves are tight and far from my wrists and it's a bit short. But I smile at Dan who smiles his gentle melt-your-heart smile. 

I wonder if he knows what effect that has on me. 

"It looks good on you!" 


*Dan's pov* 

We walk to Studio D in silence.I have to do it,I HAVE TO. 

I've been waiting for so long to find the right time.Only to find out that there isn't one.I've been keeping my admiration for Magnus a secret.I wake up every morning and think about him,and before going to sleep I think about.And even at night I can't sleep because I'm thinking about him. 

(A/N: Talk about obsessed)Yes, I'm scared,but I'll never know if I don't tell him. 

I grab his wrist before we enter Studio D 

I can do it,I can do it, I can do it,I can do it,I can do it. 


"Um Magnus...I need to tell you something."I whisper 




"I really care about you Magnus,I really do.E-even more than friends.

Ever since we first brawled I started admiring you.I know it's been a really long time but I was scared in case you don't feel the same.I know you probably don't like me and think I'm really annoying but... What I'm trying to say is... 

I love you,Magnus black and I wanted to let you know-" 

"I love you to,Dan Kouzo."He cups my face in his hands and before I know what's happening... Our lips lock

I keep my eyes open wide and then I wrap my arms around his waist and passionately kiss him back.It's as if all of time stops for this one sweet moment.His lips are so smooth.I've been dreaming about this for so long and it actually happened.And then our lips part.I steal a glance at him and lower my gaze to the frosty ground to cover up the evidence that I'm blushing. 

I grab his hand and lock them in mine,fingers entwining.He looks at me and smiles and I smile back. 

"Isn't it just so pretty to think,all along there was some invisible string tying you to me?"Magnus asks and I smile. 

It's my favourite line in that song.

"Let's go." 

Magnus nods 

We shuffle over to studio D with faces as red as tomatoes. 

"Oh wow! They're holding hands!And Magnus is wearing Dan's clothes!" Lia exclaims and takes like a thousand photos 

"Hey!I didn't ask for you too hold me hand you know Kouzo!" He lets go of my hand 

"Well you were in a coma!Geez,I was just helping!" I huff  

I smile at the memory of Magnus kissing me. 

I'm litteraly crying right now  •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀ 

 My heart can't take it. 


The time traveling thing wasn't real and Magnus was actually in a coma all along.He could have actually went back in time for Emily but I wanted a plot twist so... 


Thank you for all the lovely comments and the support!I really appreciate it! I wouldn't have made it this far without you guys and I would've quit ages ago.


Thank you for reading this cringey and crappy fanfic and let me know what you thought in the comments!!! 


Pastelcolors844 SIGNING OFF 

Invisible stringWhere stories live. Discover now