Gion Matsuri Festival: Cuddling

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Hi guys! I'm back!!! And there's going to be more Magdan fluff! 

Let's get started! 


*Dan's pov* 

For the first time in my life I've woken up early.Magnus is still asleep.God...he looks so peaceful sleeping.I brush a few bangs out of his eyes and whisper,

"Sweet dreams Magnus." 

"So, you're awake?"Magnus mumbles 


"Oh,is the great Dan Kouzo flustered?"He teases 

"NO! I'm too awesome to get flustered!"I yell 

He smiles and rolls his eyes 


Magnus goes to the bathroom to freshen up and I fiddle with my fingers. 

"Have you seen my glasses,Kouzo?"He asks rubbing his eyes 

"Ummm...yeah they're right here." 


He takes his glasses from my palm. 

"Hey Dan, you wanna go somewhere?" 


He grabs my wrist and drags me with him. 

"Where are we going?" 

Magnus shrugs his shoulders in response

"I just feeling being alone with you." I have no idea why he would want to be alone with me. 

* * * 

*Magnus's pov* 

We just wonder in silence to wherever our feet take us. We wonder into a beautiful sakura garden.I'm still clutching his wrist. 

"Wow..." We breathe 

"It's beautiful." 

"It is." I agree 

"UGH my feet hurt from yesterday." 

I roll my eyes and click my tongue. 

"You're always complaining,but if you really want, I'll give you a piggyback.But you are gonna be heavy." I sigh 

"Am not!"Dan huffs placing his hands on his hips. 

"I was just messing with you,come on." 

I let Dan climb onto my shoulders.He wraps his arms around my chest and rests his chin on my head. 

"What're you doing, trying to strangle me?"I joke 

"No!" He laughs 

I get a face time. 


The ao argue whilst trying to fit everyone in. 

"Ugh,where are you guys?We had plans for today!" Lia moans 

"Oh let them be Lia." Shun says.Lia smirks 

"Oooh,did you guys run off on purpose?So you could be cute and cuddly without us seeing?" 

"Well obviously Lia!Magnus is giving Dan a piggyback!How often would we see that!"Wynton exclaims 

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS??? we're just friends!And so what if he is?"

"Oh stop denying it Dan,you know it's true." 

"There is NOTHING going on between us."I groan 

"Bet they were holding hands!"Ajit giggles 

"Magnus and Dan sitting in a tree!K-i-s-s-i-n-g!" 

I decide to hang up 

"Seriously what is it with them?" Dan asks

"You have some strange friends." 

We walk and find a stunning Azure lake. 

I put him down and we sit on the grass.Time passes and we just talk about random stuff.Every time I look at Dan,I get this strange fluttery feeling in my guts.What is it and why? Whenever, I'm around him,I drop my guard and struggle to put it back up.


Dan's grinning at me because we were laughing about old times. 

"Ummm...Magnus?"He waves a hand in my face 

"Huh yeah?You were saying?" 

"I didn't actually say anything until now.Magnus,do you like anyone?" 

"I-I think I do.Whenever I'm around them,I have fun.I drop my guard,and when I look at them I get this fluttery feeling in my guts."I confess 

I wanna tell him so bad!But how can I?I vow to myself to tell him one day.

"It's called butterflies.And who is it?" 

"Someone very special to me."  

He smiles at me and strokes my cheek. 

"Well,who ever it is,good luck!But you seriously should tell them some day." 

"I will. " 

I place my hand on top of his and he turns to me.I smile while two scarlet spots become visible on his cheeks.I take notes of note it.

What if Dan likes me back? 

No,who am I kidding...

Dan shuffles closer to me and rests his head on my shoulder so I do the same as we watch the sunset. 

"Oh come Dan!Confess your love to Magnus already!" A voice whispers 

We turn around 

"Come on Lia! You're gonna ruin it!" 

"You're ruining it!" Lia hisses 

"YOU GUYS???" Dan yells 

The tree laughs. 

We run towards the tree. 

"And what do you think you're doing here???" I demand 

" Checking in on my favourite ship Magdan!I took pics of you guys being cute and cuddly." 

Lia pulls out her phone and swipes the pictures 

"They're just the cutest." Shun sighs 

" W-WHAT???We weren't cuddling!!!We were um...Ah..." Dan stutters 

"And what did you mean by 'confess your love to Magnus already?' " 

"Well-" Lia is interrupted by Dan who is covering her mouth with his hand. 

"Mmf mmm mmmf!Let go of me!" 

Maybe we were cuddling after all. 

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