You can stand under my umbrella

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Hi guys!!!I listened to this song and I was like:I HAVE AN IDEA!!! So I started writing. 

Anyways, the confession will come soon so keep reading!!! 

Let's get started! 


*Dan's pov* 

Magnus and I are on the phone,talking about random stuff. 


"I haven't, and I'm not joking." 

I hang up. My heart aches for Magnus,life on the street,he never got to enjoy his childhood. 

I hang up. 


"OKAY!" She hands me the money from my jar.(50 whatever currency they have in Los Volmos)

"But Dan,I thought you really wanted that video game.What're you spending it on?" 

I don't really like lying to my mum so I'm gonna tell her the true,but briefly. 

"I-I'm spending it on someone very special to me."I admit,my cheeks blossom red.I bite back a smile because whenever I think about Magnus,I can't help but smile.

"Aww Dan! That's so sweet.I'm sure they'll appreciate it!"Mum says 

I smile because I'm sure Magnus will.  

"Magnus,meet outside the park." 


"You'll see!" 

"Okay,see you there.Bye Kouzo." 

"See ya!" 

"I'm going out Mum,be back soon!" I shout 

"Have fun!" 

After some time Magnus finally arrives.  

"So what did-" 

I grab a hold of Magnus's wrist.

"Let's go already!" 

We run to my favourite place to eat burgers. 

"Go on then!"I urge,the darkus brawler takes a bite. 

"Mmm!This is so-i mean it's nice." Magnus says composing himself.I wish he felt like he could be true to himself when he's with me. I pay and Magnus gazes curiously at the money. 

"Where did you get the money from Kouzo?" 

"Oh uhmmm,I was saving up for a video game I wanted but I decided to do something better with that money instead."I say,I mean, it's not like I'm lying. 

Magnus holds my wrist so I stop walking. 

"You spent money that you saved for a video game that you wanted so badly... on me?"He asks 

"Well,yeah!It comes out in a couple weeks anyways so..." 

"Thank you."He mumbles while looking down at the floor and let's go of my wrist and I grab his. 

We pass a nearby dessert place. 

"Wow.I've never had these types of things before..." I notice a sad glint in his eyes, he's probably reminiscing about his tough childhood. 

"Come on then!" 

*Magnus's pov* 

I wonder why Dan Kouzo-my former rival- would ever spend money that saved for something he wanted so badly only to use it on me.

I gaze in wonder at the amazing desserts on display. 

"So what do you want?" 

"I'm kinda full after the burger..."Which isn't a lie,those burgers are huge! 

"Hmm...Then go for the bubble tea,the Mango and Passion fruit flavour is the best.Or at least in my opinion."Dan recommends (A/N: Idk what else to say.Plus I love bubble tea.)

"What's bubble tea?" 

"It's a drink that has tiny balls in them." 


I order the one that Dan suggested and we wait. 

"So Magnus...tell me about yourself." 

"But you already know about me." 

"No I mean-" 

"Oh.Well,my dad left me when I was two.So...i barely remember him.Our Mum had to look after us all alone,one day...she died.Emily and I didn't want to go to the orphanage.So...i had to take care of both of us,but I put her first.And then she fell ill and AAAnimus took us in.But they were tricking us and never actually covered for her treatment...and now she-she's in a better place."Magnus sighs and he stares at the gloomy sky. 

"Magnus... you're so brave,looking after you and Emily like that.I get why you always refuse help because you're so used to having to do it on your own.And your so strong.You pushed yourself way to hard for Emily, because you love her.And you never gave up,even when times where tough.Emily must be so proud of you... because you're amazing!" 

That catches me off guard. 

"You think I'm amazing?" 

"I don't think so,I know so!" 

"What else do you wanna do?" 

"Hold on to the rest of the money Kouzo.I really appreciate everything you've done for me."I smile at him and he smiles back.Tiny droplets of rain land on our heads so I look up. 

"Hmm.You stand under my umbrella." Magnus says 

He opens up his umbrella and pulls me close,and we walk dow the street while I lean my head on his shoulder.

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