This Is Why You Don't Trust The Enemy

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"Concentrate more, don't allow yourself to be overwhelmed just because there are multiple opponents". I stood above a tree branch as I watched my younger brother Izuna fight against my many shadow clones. He had recently come back from a mission and felt the need to train.

I wasn't busy at the moment so I happily obliged. I watched as he went after each one of them. My clones were able to block each of his attacks but just barely, so far Izuna's the only one in our clan who's close to me in power.

He went for a kick to the head and one of them blocked with its arm. Another grabbed his leg and tried flinging him but he managed to avoid falling by doing a backflip. One aimed a fire attack at him and he dodged by rolling underneath.

I had originally offered to spar with him myself but he insisted he needed to learn how to fight against multiple opponents. He aimed his own fire attack at them but a few managed to evade him. 

When one came close electricity surrounded his hand and he struck him through the chest. Another snuck up on him and the outcome was the same. Three of them jumped into the air and he managed to get rid of them by breathing fire upwards while simultaneously taking two more out on the ground.

"Ngh, don't go easy on me just because I'm your little brother". He said as sweat started to form on his forehead. "Who said I was going easy on you"?

I made twelve more clones and they came charging at him with swords. I watched as he took both his blades out and fought them simultaneously. Izuna started duel blade training when he was five. His reason being one blade was too easy to master.

He ended up mastering the technique in a year. I'm able to master two swords as well but I'm not as dependent on it as he is. I've mastered all of the fire techniques belonging to our clan as well as all of the fighting styles.

Izuna's main focus is kenjutsu, there's not a sword he isn't able to use and for him that's perfect. He's not as big as me which means he's a lot more agile. He can jump higher and sneak into narrow places a lot easier than I can.

For a long time, all I could see were sparks flying as steel clashed against still. Unlike me, Izuna had a bad habit of playing around with his opponents before going for the final blow. What I didn't expect him to do was get rid of one of his swords. He planted it into the ground but I caught on to what he was doing when he jumped on top of it and used the bottom part to help him jump into the air.

"Flire style, Phoenix blast"! A large firebird appeared and flew towards my clones destroying them with large flames of fire. Once back on the ground he grabbed his swords and seethed them.

"Nicely done". I made my way to him placing a hand on his shoulder. "Thanks, aniki". "What happened that made you want to train this hard"? "I saw a group of Senju on my way back home, he was among them". "I see".


"Aki, wait up"! I yelled chasing after my best friend. We were currently playing in the forest and like always she saw something that caught her eye and ran after it. "Come on, it's right over here"! She continued to run. I breathed out continuing to chase her. When I finally caught up I realized it was a kuni she was after.

What I didn't expect was for her to look at it like it was some new mysterious item. "It was stuck in a tree but look at how it's made. There's a small hole you can put your finger through and all of the edges at the top are extremely sharp. I bet if I threw it it would go fast".

I tilted my head to the side giving her a are you serious look. "Aki, you do know that's a kuni right"? She looked at me shocked. "Huh? What's that"? I felt awful when I realized what was going on.

"I'm sorry, I'm so used to training with them and seeing my brothers use them that I didn't realize there's a chance you might not know about them". I said looking to the side.

"What your holding is a called a kuni. It's one of multiple weapons a ninja uses in battle. It's also the first weapon a ninja learns to use". She hugged me immediately.

"You don't have to feel bad you didn't know"? I hugged her back. "Are you a ninja"? I nodded. "Cool! Maybe you can help train me once I start learning. Where do you think I should start"? "Learning about the kinds of jutsu your clan uses would be a good start. I'm surprised you don't know any of this though. Your brothers are famous shinobi".

"Daddy doesn't let me play with them often. He says they're doing important clam work and I can't bother them. It doesn't bother me though, I can't see them during the day but at night we spend hours together. I'll ask them about it when I get a chance".

"You'll make a great kunoichi, female ninja". She smiled and I smiled back. It didn't last long, the next second I felt an indescribable pain shoot through my body causing me to let out a loud scream. Aki looked at me horrified as my body fell to the ground.

I looked up at her pleading for help but we were soon surrounded. She didn't look worried but I did. Everywhere I looked Senju soldiers surround us. She probably thought they were here to help but I knew it was one of them that more than likely attacked me.

Aniki, nii San, I'm scared

"Lady Aki, are you ok? She didn't hurt you did she"? One of them asked. She looked at them confused. "Of course not, she's my friend. She needs help, please help her"!

"We can't do that my lady. We're taking you back home and this one will be locked up for questioning". "What? No"! One of them walked towards me but before he could grab me a blast of fire shot down protecting me.


It was my mother. She landed next to me, scooped me into her arms, and held me close. "Which one of you bastards touched my baby girl"!? Her mangekyou glared at each of them fiercely. They glared back but made sure not to make eye contact. Aki didn't know about my clan's abilities though.

When my mother was about to look at her I tugged on her shirt forcing her to look at me. "I wanna go home. I want Madara Nii and  Izuna Nii". "Ok, honey". She used Kamui to teleport us home.


After training was over Izuna and I grabbed a snack from the kitchen and headed to my room. Our younger brothers Rin, Haru, and Haruto were away on a mission and Ryu was out playing in the woods with her friend. Who that friend was I had no idea but as long as she was happy I didn't mind.

"Ugh that girl needs to get her but home, I wanna do her hair". I laughed softly. Since she's been born Izuna has taken it upon himself to be our sister's personal stylist. She's not allowed to leave the house without looking her absolute best but I'm not complaining that's the way it should be.

"She'll be back before dinner don't worry". "I hope so". He pouted.

"Young master Madara, young master Izuna, your father wishes to see you both". Our head maid Mira said knocking on my door. "Coming"! We immediately got up and headed to our father's office. What I saw next shook me to my core. My little sister Ryuko was shaking in our mother's arms, with blood on her and tears in her eyes as she looked at me and Izuna.

"It hurts". Mom walked over and placed her in my arms, she immediately clung to me and cried in my chest. "She was attacked by a Senju group, Butusama's daughter was with them".

"She didn't hurt me, daddy". "No, but you were still hurt because you got close to her. I warned you this would happen".

Word Count: 1431

Maybe I Was Wrong To Judge You MadaHashi/ IzuTobiWhere stories live. Discover now