"Lets go." Gaara says staring coldly at his siblings as they start to walk off.

"Okay that's great and everything but why are you guys here anyway?" Sakura asks with her hands on her hips.

"For the Chunin exams of course!" Temari replies.

"Chunin exams?" Naruto says with question marks over his head.

"Already?" I ask surprised.

"What are the Chunin exams?" Naruto stands there still confused.

"You really don't know anything do you?" Temari teases.

"If you pass the exam you can become a Chunin from a Genin." Konohomaru replies.

"I see! Then maybe I'll try taking them." Naruto exclaims.

"Mayumi." Everyone turns to Ryota and Buyuu. "Stop causing trouble. Were going to be late." Buyuu states with his hands in his pockets. Feeling the breeze through the air I use it and stands next to my teammates in an instant.

"Wow that was so cool Mayumi-chan!" Konohomaru shouts. I smile at him then take off with my team, feeling eyes on my back I quickly glance back and see Kankuro's eyes following me causing me to smile to myself.


"Doesn't suprise me he's not here yet." Ryota says flopping onto the ground next to Buyuu

"You guys know that the Chunin exams are happening right?" I ask looking down at them with my arms crossed.

"Yeah, I'm not worried about them." Buyuu replies as Sota walks up to them.

"Are we taking part of the Chunin exams Sota?" I ask turning to him.

"No." He says flatly.

"What! Why not!"

"You three are going back to the academy." He simply says turning around.

"You can't do that!" Ryota jumping up with Buyuu.

"Yes, I can you three failed your test. You guys arn't even a team."

"Well maybe if you were a better teacher instead of someone who has a corn-cobb stuck up their ass all the damn time. We would learn something!" I spat at him. "You treat us like dirt!"

He turns to me and eyes me then turns to Ryota. "Ryota, second guesses himself too much, then gets in the middle of things at the wrong time. Buyuu doesn't listen to either one of you when you three talk and does as he pleases also. The two of them were slacking in the back at the beginning while Mayumi took it upon herself to jump in." He pauses and turns to me. "You, you little shit, don't listen, you have become weaker, you don't jump into the sight of line, you hold back too much. You are weak, pathetic, you seem scared you complain too much-"

"Are you done?" I ask crossing my arms shifting my weight.

"What. Did. You. Say." He says through gritted teeth.

"You heard me, are you done?" I taunt.

"Why you little-" He lifts his fist up to punch me. "Huh?" He says looking at Buyuu holding his fist and Ryota with a hand on his shoulder. "What is this?" He demands.

"We have each other's back. no matter what." Buyuu states glaring at Sota.

"We're not going to let you harm our team mate." Ryota adds.

"You see Sensei, While you were always ignoring us, or making us to all of those pathetic exercises we finally come to terms about each other. While behind your back we agreed to keep it hidden. That we actually help each other. We kept it hidden from you to see how long you noticed. And apparently you never noticed. Also, in case you haven't noticed we have managed to get all of our weights off. So who failed their test?" I pause for a moment. "And for the record. I never complained once."

Sota looks at them almost in pain. "Took you three long enough to pass." He states pulling his fist away. "Here, these are the forms you need to fill out for the Chunin exams. They start tomorrow. Don't embarass me and don't fail." He says walking off leaving Squad 0 there speachless.

"So...now what?" Ryota asks stunned.

"Food!" I shout as I start sprinting into the village.

"Where do we want to eat?" Buyuu asks following me around.

"Ramen of course!" I say opening the curtain of Irichu ramen only to spot. "Kiba!" I scream tackling him.

"Mayumi!" He says hugging me back. "I. Can't. Breathe." He manages to get out tapping my back to let him go.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" I say letting him go.

"Your back finally! Guess what! Team 8 is taking the Chunin exams!"

"That's awesome Kiba! So is Team 0!" I squeal out.

"I'm so thankful that she wasn't like this while we were gone." Buyuu sweat drops.

"So this is your team?" Kiba asks looking behind me, I nod. "Well, mom and Hana will be so happy that you're back! Come on, I'll pay for your ramen tonight as a welcome home dinner!"

We all take a seat and order our food. Kiba and I talk about our month away from each other. As we finish up I say good bye to my team mates and follow Kiba to the compound.

"TSUME I'M HOME" I shout walking in.



Tsume looks down at me looking over at the slightly taller girl with the same outfit on, hair perfect like it was the morning I left. Tsume walks over to me and hugs me. I freeze for a moment and hug her back.


"Actually Tsume, I'm going to go home and sleep in the first bed I've been able to in almost a month." I say smiling.

Tsume looks at me taken aback. "Fine brat! Just don't be late!" She says smiling. I hug her and Kiba and quickly leave and start to run home. Something out of the corner of my eye catches my attention and stops.

"Naruto?" I say softly. He turns to look at me.

"Hey Mayumi! What are you doing?"

"I'm actually heading home." I say walking up to him. "Walk me home?" I ask sweetly. He gives me a cheesy grin.

"Of course Mayumi!" He shouts swinging his arm around my shoulders causing me to laugh. We begin to head home after a few minutes of us talking we get to our apartments next to each other.
"Hey May, try and not over sleep in the morning." Naruto tells me smiling before he walks through his door.

Alrighty guys, I'm not getting much views on this, so I may have slower updates for a while.  Let me know what your think!

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