Chapter 6

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The sun beat down on us as we walked further into the parking lot, the attention of all of the zombies eventually turned in our direction. As soon as they saw us through their pale, unblinking eyes, their bodies turned around and limped towards us.

"What now?" I whispered as if talking louder would attract more zombies. I glanced up at James for half a second before quickly turning back to the walking dead. From the amount of time that I'd seen him, the one thing that I noticed was the smirk that he possessed so naturally.

"We dance," he answered with a hint of humor in his tone before he whipped a sword out. James then charged the nearest zombie and swung a strong blow through its neck. The body of what used to be a worker of Dunkin' Donuts fell down to the ground, soon followed by its head.

James didn't wait to watch the body fall to the road before lunging at another and swinging his sword again to decapitate it.

I could've stood there all day and watch as James takes down all of the zombies he meets, one after another. Of course, the decaying body of a soccer player moaned its invitation to dance. I turned my attention to what had been a teenage soccer player from a private Christian school, the school that I had always wanted to go to since it was so close to my apartment and had a state-of-the-art computer class. But I couldn't get in because we were too poor to afford the fee yet too rich to get a scholarship, so I've always hated the kids who were able to attend yet at that moment...I couldn't be mad at him. I couldn't be mad at the creature that had been able to attend my dream school, even as it kept advancing towards me to eat my face off I couldn't get myself to be mad.

"CRESS!" James roared even as he cut down another zom. "Focus!"

I jumped back from the soccer player and then looked over my shoulder to see if I'd back my way into a cannibal. There were a few zombies there, they approached just as slowly as the soccer player. My eyes noticed what they wore, they too wore red soccer uniforms, their entire team must've been attacked during a game.

I looked down at the knife in my hand, the one that James had given to me before we climbed down the ladder and into battle. I returned my attention back to the first zombie and did my best impersonation of James, gripping the shiny blade in my hand before doing a fancy angled jump and slicing at the neck of the first soccer player.

The knife dug into the collarbone of the creature before getting stuck, I panicked and yanked my hand back, but without the knife. It stayed buried in the flesh, not even affecting the monster as it stumbled closer.

"Get the knife!" James shouted when he glanced back to see if I was doing okay, which I obvious wasn't. "Without it, you're dead!"

I would've snapped back something like "Thanks for the newsflash," but I was scared out of my mind. He was a son of Hades, he attracts monsters like McDonalds attracts Americans! Of course he had experience while I've been living the life with only one monster encounter, and I'd talked my way out of that one!

Instead of becoming frustrated and blowing up, I kicked the soccer player (Oh the irony) and he lost his balance and fell to the ground onto his back, biting down on empty air.

I jumped on top of him, catching a whiff of some serious decomposing as I yanked the knife out of its chest and stabbing it in the forehead. Its jaw relaxed, forgetting about its need to bite my head off. Meanwhile, the other teammates where only three feet away, walking side by side.

I pulled the blade from the body before jumping out of the way of an arm of one of the teammates that was aiming for my ponytail. I twisted around and kicked one after the other onto the ground before stabbing both in the forehead.

Demigods vs Zombies (Demigod Story) (Rot & Ruin)Where stories live. Discover now