Chapter 2

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My knees slowly bent, lowering me to the floor into a crouch. As I cautiously moved in fear that making noise would attract trouble, I reminded myself that I was able to fight and talk my way out of any situation that I could possibly imagine.

It's probably just a toddler, I told myself, hovering my hand over the table cloth that was draped on that floor. Gods I really hope that's the case.

Before I could hesitate again, my hand gripped the table cloth in one quick, swift action. A long, shaky breath rattled out of my mouth before I started to lift the black cloth up.

There wasn't a toddler under the table.

There wasn't anything under the table. I knelt to the ground and quickly stuck my head under the table before freezing in place, there was still nothing under the table. I listened closely for the thumping again, this time it seemed to be coming from above me.

I moved my head from underneath the table and slowly lifted the cloth even higher. The wooden table was clear on the bottom, but on top a glass case was resting. I lifted my head high enough so my eyes could peek through the side.

From my view I could see that there was a man laying inside, he wore an old blue suit. My heart seemed to leap when I realized that it was a dead man in a clear casket.

My legs started pushing up on me as I lifted the cloth even higher so I could see his entire side.

His eyes were wide open, his mouth was gaping at nothing. The man's arm was pounding on the lid of the glass, making the noise that I was hearing. I stood frozen, one of my hands covered my mouth while the other one continued to hold the cloth up.

My heart nearly stopped when its head turned towards me, the eyes where empty of emotion yet they bored into me, I'd rather have the eyes be full of hatred. A scream escaped my mouth as I dropped the cloth and walked backwards until I hit a wall.

This isn't happening, this ISN'T happening, I kept trying to make myself believe. There was a slamming of a door and the clinging of metal as a teenage boy came in in a suit and his pants depended on his hand that he used to keep them up in the front.

When the red head's eyes landed on me, a laugh escaped his mouth. "What?" he laughed. "Did you see a spider?"

I pointed at the casket that was covered by a table cloth and tried to tell him what I had saw, but no words could form. He rolled his eyes, thinking that I was only being dramatic and waltzed over to the table while he buttoned his pants and buckled his belt.

He lifted the table cloth up all the way quickly without hesitation, and then screamed himself as his eyes landed on the man that was pounding on the glass. The neck of the figure turned towards him and its mouth opened wide before shutting with the force of a mouse trap. The door to the awards ceremony swung open as someone was exiting the room for a while.

The screams of the redhead carried into the awards ceremony room, a few grownups jumped up and ran into the lobby to see what was happening.

The redhead yanked the entire cloth off of the table, the advertisements and pamphlets of high schools fluttered onto the ground. "He's going to suffocate if we don't get him out soon!" the redhead panicked.

The grownups all seemed to be in agreement, worried expressions where displayed on everyone's face. I backed away, deciding to watch what happened and make a run for it if anything bad occurs.

One of the grownups panicked and flipped the table over, the glass shattered and the man was able to breath in fresh air, but he didn't.

The man was crouched on the ground for a few seconds, the redhead guy ran to his side to make sure that he was okay. His mouth opened and closed as if it wasn't sure which way was more comfortable, his arm lifted in the direction of the redhead.

"You okay?" the teenager asked again, he was answered quickly.

The man leapt at him, biting down on his neck. He screamed in agony as the teeth dug into his flesh, wailing continuously even when he was released and the man lunged at a woman that was frozen from fear.

I knew what was happening, I knew from the moment that the redhead looked up with emotionless eyes and a mouth that gaped wide. They were zombies, they would kill us all if they had the chance.

Demigods vs Zombies (Demigod Story) (Rot & Ruin)Where stories live. Discover now