A small laugh sounded at her thoughts as Katherine finally made it to the kitchen, but something unfamiliar made her stop. On the surface of the island unit lay a small pile of things. A small box, a packet, and an envelope with her name on it. She noticed one thing before the others and frowned while picking the long cardboard carton up in her hand. Cigarettes. A carton of twelve packets wrapped in crisp cellophane. Her craving had subdued, it had been four month since her last cigarette. But strangely the second they were in her hand she could wait to rip them open. Katherine resisted the urge however and waited, taking the time to see what else she'd been left. There was a lighter, for obvious reasons, and a small plastic box. With curiosity filling her, Katherine picked up the bock and flipped the lid revealing the contents to be...A pill. That cheeky bastard. She couldn't even laugh at it, her mouth opened and closed involuntarily as she tried to make sense of it. Followed quickly by embarrassment as she realised someone would have most likely been sent out to retrieve it for Jim to 'gift' to her. He really was something else.

The morning after pill wasn't something she'd had to take before but she knew what it looked like after going through university and overhearing girls in her first year accommodation. At the time she'd squirmed her face in judgment and discuss but now here she was...doing the exact same thing. Without trying to give it too much thought, she swallowed it down with a glass of much needed water before she forgot and moved on to the envelope. A note fell out. Written on very smooth Ivory paper and in real black ink with a fancy pen, not your normal biro pen.


Sebastian will pick you up at 11pm. There is a job for you.

You need to look your best. Expect a call at the door around 6-8pm.


P.S. Try not to dream about me too much. It does make for a boring relationship.'

Relationship. Her eyes widened and she gasped so hard she almost coughed up the pill. There was no doubt he'd said it to wind her up. Jim would have wrote the words with a smirk and a devilish laugh, knowing how it would effect her head. Before, 'Lucy' probably would have melted at the thought of a relationship but cried because of it being with Moriarty, she would have been scared and small. But Katherine...Katherine chuckled and dropped the hand written letter onto the counter top with a roll of her eyes. She could practically see the sarcasm in his messy scroll and she wouldn't fall for it. Instead she would make very good use of his other gift and try not to think of how he'd knew she smoked.


Hours, and a couple of cartons, later at 6:10pm there was a small knock at the door. Katherine only just managed to hear it from where she was sat learning her languages again but as she crept towards the door she grew weary. She already knew it wasn't Moriarty, he didn't knock like that, and neither did Sebastian. Her feet were soft on the stairs, but she stopped when she reached the bottom of the staircase and stared at the door. The knock sounded again, even more hesitantly than before and Katherine was forced to call out.

"May I ask who it is?" There was a long pause, a few moments passing before a surprisingly feminine voice sounded.

"Miss Reine? My name is Kelly. Your-Mr Moriarty sent me." The woman's voice was so small, the door which separated them made the words scrambled and barely recognisable. But with a lot of focus, Katherine just managed to hear them and marched towards the door. As it was pulled oped, the woman on the other side jumped at the suddenness and stared at Katherine like a baby dear. She was older, mid forties? Dark hair ending her shoulders and style in a very sharp bob, dressed in all black with a silver metal trolley suitcase at her feet.

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