*Bonus Chapter 3*

Start from the beginning

He's quiet for a moment, and I'm unsure if he's still conscious. "I hope he's received justice," he says, his eyes intense and mouth set into a hard line.

I purse my lips together. No, he hasn't received justice. And neither has my mother. I shake my head. "No, he hasn't."

"Who was responsible for it?" He asks blatantly. I don't mind the crudeness, honestly. You can't really dance around these questions, especially inebriated.

"My father," I scoff, "seems like he's to blame for everything."

"Families can be...complicated," he struggles to get that last word out, almost like he meant to say something else.

I nod my head, agreeing with his words. "I need a refill," I say, standing from my chair, "do you need one?" He smiles up at me and shakes his head slightly. "I'll be right back." I toss the leftover ice in my cup off the railing and make my way toward the door. I shut my eyes and find myself back in the kitchen. I quickly make my drink and get back outside without anyone noticing.

"That was quick." Thor's voice echoes, and I laugh slightly.

"Yeah, I'm sneaking these, so don't tell anyone," I giggle as I sit back down in my chair.


"Another one, Nadya?" My eyes widen when I hear the voice behind me. I glare at Thor for not giving me a warning, but how could he? I didn't really give him a chance to speak before I sat down.

I clear my throat, feeling it get dry. "Yes, another one," I say without turning around. "Where've you been all night?" I question, trying to get the heat off of me for once.

"Looking for you, mostly."

He sounds angry. It's not evident enough for Thor to notice, but I know that edge in his tone. I knew he'd be upset, though I'm not full of regret. I've been having a nice time with Thor. "Hm," I hum in response. If he were looking for me, he would have found me. That much I do know. I finally turn around and meet his eyes. He's standing in the dark, leaning back onto the railing. The light above Thor and I only seems to illuminate the top portion of his face. He stares at me, silently conveying words without speaking them. I turn back to Thor and smile. "I think I'm gonna head inside but you should come in soon." I place my hand on his forearm, "Everyone misses you."

"I like our little talks," he mutters, and I smile.

"Me too." As I stand from the chair, he stands as well. I eye him for a moment before he pulls me into a hug. It's simple and short-lived, but I can feel his gratitude for having some sort of company while he's out here. Even if it was just me. "I'll see you soon," I gleam with a smile.

He nods at me as I walk to the door, not looking at Bucky again. As I walk into the living room, I can see that almost everyone has gathered in the kitchen, leaving the room empty. So, I continue walking. I know he's following me, and I plan to take advantage of that. I step into the elevator, and he follows me in, not saying a word. I take a sip of my drink, which seems to get his attention. I can feel his eyes on me. I'm not sure why I'm in the mood to aggravate him right now. Maybe it's the liquor flowing through my veins or my suspicion that Sharon is here, and that's who he's been with all night.

Don't be petty, Nadya.

"Wanna hand that over?" I hear him ask, referring to my drink.

I shake my head. "Nope."

"I thought we talked about this." The elevator doors open, and I step out into the hallway leading to one door. "What the hell are we doing up here?"

I push the door open and step onto the gravel of the roof. "It's a beautiful night, Bucky!" I say spitefully. I turn around but keep walking backward. "And, ironically, it's also Andrei's birthday!" My words come out slurred, and I curse when my ankle twists on one of the rocks.

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