The begining - pt. 1

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For some, it's scary, terrifying even.
Some live there whole lives in fear of what my lurk in it.
But some embrace it. Use it. Some even say they have become a part of it. Witch I personally don't think you can do until you have come face to face with it. Confronted it.
It really is a scary thing, especially when it seems as if that's the only thing there is after death, like you're just floating in an endless void that seemingly never ends.
But it can also be used as a weapon, one of the most powerful in fact.
When I was still on the plain of life, I used to associate the dark with one thing and one thing only.
Yes, I know it's stupid, but he, most out of anyone knew how to use it to his advantage, he knew how to manipulate it even.
It's why he was so feared by so many, because they always thought that where he went darkness followed, when it reality it was the other way around.
Where ever the darkness was he would follow and because he know how to use it.
He became it, and in doing so taught me how.


When my mother figured out that I was dead her first instinct was to get my body back and throw it in to to the Lazarus pit.
For some context my mother is Lady Shiva.
My mentor is Slade Wilson.
And my god father is Ras-Al Ghul.
So with that information you probably now think I have... problems among other things.. that is.
But I have a father! I don't know who he is but I guess I have him to thank for the common sense and sanity.

Now I'm sure you're probably wondering what the whole "I'm dead thing is about" well I wish I could tell you what it was about.
Don't really remember much about it if I'm being honest.
Other than the fact that it was painful, very, very, painful.
I occasionally get flashbacks of that night, or should I say night's, I have a feeling that it lasted more than a couple of days, but it's still UN- clear to me.

However the only thing that is clear to me is who I was before I died.

I know for a fact that I was some sort of hero, I helped out the citizens of Gotham, I saved them, and protected them.
But I was not the only sidekick that Batman had, (and When I say "Sidekick" don't think that means I'm incapable of kicking some serious ass because I am, or, was.)
But there was one other person I remember being close with, I'm pretty sure his name was Robin.
He always wore a super colorful costume, compared to me and Batman.
We both wore dark costumes to blend in better with our surroundings.
However I feel that was not the goal with Robin.

He looks like he was around the same age as me at the time, witch would be like 13-14.
There is also a re-occurring older English gentlemen who seems like a grandfather almost. He's very sweet, and caring.
A taller man looking to be around 34-35, he has slicked back jet black hair and piercing blue eyes, a sharp jawline, he is also very prominent in my memories, and I'm pretty sure that the man is batman out of costume.
So Bruce, and agent A. Or Alfred.
So why can't I remember the boys name?
He's in so many of my memories. It seemed he wasn't always my favorite person, at times I may have even hated him.
But why can't I remember his name?
He still seemed to be an important part of my life.

One other thing I removed clear as day is my mother.
Lady shiva.
No always the most forgiving, or loving, but than again she is an assassin, a good one at that.
The thing about my mother is that once she had her mind set on something, you better believe that it was going to happen one way or another.
And this time she wanted me.
She wanted me back.
Now I never took my mother as the sentimental type, like ever.
But there was an urgency in her voice when she spoke.
When I would fade in and out of existence every- now and then, I would hear her barking orders and yelling at people and telling them what to do, from what I could tell, it was about me, she was yelling because of me.

Now I have no idea as to why she would be yelling because of me I've been lying as a lifeless corpse for what seems like eternity now. I mean it's probably only been a few hours at this point, but I can tell that they are doing something to my body.
I don't know what but. It feels like their wrapping it in something.
And now it feels as if I'm being suspended in to the air.
And now I'm going....down?
All the sudden if feels as if I've been submerged in to a liquid, of sorts, it feels suffocating almost.
Like it's eating me alive, crawling in my skin like some sort of infection. It's disgusting.
Than it starts to burn, like a lot.
Holy shit.
And it's not like the light tingling kind of burn it's like the skin melting kind of burn.
It almost feels like acid working it's way thorough my blood stream.

Than my eyes shot open and I tried to move but I was wrapped In some sort of tissue and a chain.
That made it nearly impossible to move.
I tried to squirm and pull and break it but it didn't work suddenly it released me freely in to the pool. I swam up to the surface and gasped for air. I rip the remaining tissue off if my face i looks around me to see a whole bunch of horrified looking people.
Like they've just seen a ghost or watched me commit some sort of crazy illegal felony.
I started to run up and out of the green pool and someone grabbed my from behind, so I did the only logical thing I could think of. Head butt them as hard as I can.
That knocked them off so I spun around and kicked them in the face right in to the rock wall I charged at the next man and knocked him out with one punch.
Slammed the next man's head in to a wall.
Kicked some one down the hill in to the pool.
Got shot at. And ran.

I ran down a long ass corridor and just kept going until I stared to feel my muscles give out on me my arms felt numb and my legs hurt like hell.
I tried to keep running but that only got me outside in to a giant courtyard of sorts.
It was windy, snowy and cold.
The rags I was wearing were soaking wet.
I collapsed on to the stone cold floor, and later there shivering.
Where was I?
How did I get here?
What was that weird pool?
All the sudden men in black suits looking like ninjas with swords started to swarm me.

I panicked and stood up I jumped at the nearest person they dropped there sword, I grabbed it and stared to swing it. I attacked whom ever tried to grab me.
I stabbed whom ever attacked me.
I lost my sword but I just kept going I was tired, sore, and my body was screaming at me to stop but I couldn't I just kept going, soon I was standing in a circle with a ton of men on the floor either cut and bleeding, or dead.
That's when I hear a shuffling noise behind me and saw a man In a half black half orange mask.
He had swords and guns.
He also looked angry.
Hello Slade.

He pulled out his gun and did not hesitate to pull the trigger, and instead of a bullet and little green vessel lodged itself in my torso.
I pulled it out and ran at him.
He seemed to only be getting farther and farther.
Than he stared to spin. I collapsed from exhaustion.
Damn it.
That green tube must have been some sort of drug, and it was working fast. I felt a cold metal on my chin pulling my head up.
I looked up at the wielder of the sword, to see the one and only,
Lady shiva. "Nice to see you again daughter"
"Can't say the same to you mother"I glared daggers at her, she's probably the reason I'm here, the reason I'm alive.
"Ahh, what you didn't miss me?" She looked at me with fake sorrow in her eyes. She removed the sword from under my chin and threw it up in the air and caught it by the handle except the other way around and bright it down to my face.

Than everything when black once again.

—————————————————————————Hi friends I promise I won't do these little author notes very often but I just wanted to say Hi! I hope you like the first chapter of the story, and please let me know if you think I could do anything better, and maybe leave some suggestions on what you would want to see in this book sometimes in the near future!
                                   - C.L🤍

Darkness & Desires - Jason Todd Where stories live. Discover now