"It looks...quirky" Maggi answered, feigning a smile.

"Whatever, what do you know?" Shyla groaned, rolling her eyes, and sucking her teeth.

She turned and looked at me.

"Who is this, who are you?"

Before I could give an answer, her hand was going into the top of my hood and pushing it off my head.

Personal space much?

"Oh, coffee boy" Shyla piped up.

"Guilty" I grumbled, pulling my hood back atop my head.

Maggi giggled.

"Come on, Olivia is waiting" Shyla screeched, clasping Maggi's arm. Her friend snatched her away so fast it looked as if she nearly dislocated her shoulder.

Maggi threw up a small wave right before they disappeared into the crowded hall. I waved back.

So, she was right. I didn't know whether to feel like she was right, or that she had jinxed me. Rain had begun to fall, slowly forming into sleet. I knew the sidewalks would be too slick for my board, so I caught the Capital Transit home. It was May...right? The bus was crowded today; full of people heading home early trying to beat the storm ahead. Just as I made it up to the front steps of my house my phone went off. I pulled it out of my pants pocket; it was text message from Olivia. At this point Olivia and I had been talking for about a week over phone. We didn't really have much in common, but it was still good to know you existed to someone.

OLIVIA: Movie tomorrow night?

I squinted my eyes, eyebrows pulled together with concern as I peered down at my phone. Movie? Had we gotten to that point to where physical interaction, other than school, was necessary? Or had I unknowingly swooned her with my charismatic charm and wit. I began scrolling through previous messages of the week. Apart from texting a lot, about everything from shoes to mostly teachers and classes we hate, there was nothing else remotely interesting enough to lead up to a...movie tomorrow night?

Theo, you silver tongued devil, I thought to myself, shaking my head.

My phone chimed again.

OLIVIA: Hello, you there?

I sighed and began typing my answer. Send.

ME: Sure. Give me your address at school tomorrow and I'll pick you up at eight

OLIVIA: *gasps* You're picking me up? You're an awesome boyfriend, see you tomorrow 😍😘

Boyfriend? At what level did I reach boyfriend? Here I was, with casual conversation, unknowingly being groomed for the label...boyfriend? A girl as pretty as Olivia, could not be this desperate, or had I truly soothed the siren with her own song? I was too tired now to wrap my head around it, and it was already nearly dark. I figured I would just go inside, ask Dad to use his car tomorrow night and hash out things with Olivia then. I stepped inside the house, closing the door behind me.

"Theo, that you?" Mom called from the kitchen.

I dropped my face into my left palm and exhaled. Why do they do this, who else would it be? I went with it.

"Yea, Mom" I called from the foyer, as I put my skateboard in its usual place.

         The enticing aroma of brisket and broccoli invaded my nose. Sending me nearly floating off my tiptoes like in the cartoons. My stomach rumbled its remarks. I didn't realize how hungry I was until I stepped in the door. I turned left, walked through the living room and into the kitchen. I knew Mom was hard at work because she had her apron on. She never did that unless there was a big meaning behind this dinner. In fact, she was still in her work uniform from Nana's Attic.

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